General and
Historic Course Information
Academic Honesty Policies
Required Text: None
2014 Syllabus Updated: 1 Dec 14
Class List Updated: 30 Sep 14
Final Exam Guide Updated: 3 Dec 13
Since CS513 and ECE536 are no longer cross-listed, students need to know that either course is adequate background for CS577/ECE537. While CS513 emphasizes strong systems programming skills and ECE536 does not, this does not present a problem in Advanced Computer Networks. The reason is that students in Advanced Computer Networks select their own term project where a term paper is acceptable.
This course is conducted "seminar style". Except for background 'primer' material, the course consists of readings, presentations and discussion of technical papers taken from the current computer networks literature. Seminar style implies student participation in both the presentations and in the discussions. This participation is a significant component of your grade. Hence, skipping class or showing up late for class without an approved reason WILL have negative impact on your grade.
Students are required to complete and hand in or email a completed Paper Evaluation Form (docx) for each paper covered at the beginning of every class. Late forms emailed AFTER the start of the class will not be graded because the intent of the form is to prepare the students for an informed and lively discussion.
The course includes a Course Project and
a Final Exam.
Last Modified 9 December 2014
Bob Kinicki