[Modules] [Syllabus]

Module #1: Regular Expressions and Languages


  1. Apply concepts from set theory
  2. Define the terms: alphabet, string, and language
  3. Define a regular expression


  1. Strings
  2. Alphabets
  3. Regular Sets

Applications and Importance

1. Strings

  1. text editing
  2. Data Base Abstractions
  3. Compilers (a program is a string)
2. Regular Sets
  1. Tokens in programming languages
  2. Data Bases
  3. Text Searching and editing
  4. used in languages like Perl, PHP etc.

Background Material

0. Text

1. Wikepedia:

  1. Strings etc.
  2. Regular Set (Language)
2. Busch, Shiri & Grahne: Basic Definitions
3. Nelson Padua-Perez & Bill Pugh: Regular Expressions
4. Lemone: Lex Examples [PDF] from compilers
5. robelle: Grep examples

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