This is Andreas' little pet project. LaTeX
the system for creating documents on UNIX, and it has some advantages
over software like Word for Windows that are convincing (to some).
Personally, I don't see any reason to use Word, but at least for things
like your thesis, you may save a few grey cells using LaTeX. Many people
say it's the other way around - try it yourself.
LaTeX Documentation
So, for all those poor souls who are forced
or determined to use LaTeX, these documents provide help in all situations.
I have a few basic documents in PS or PDF that introduce LaTeX, as well
as some sophisticated documentation on problems that people often have
with LaTeX. This
help page from Cambridge, England is probably a very quick way to get
some help, otherwise try one of the following documents. Most of these
are in PostScript, so you need to view them in Ghostview (
on Unix,
gsview32on Windows).
A WPI specific help file. This is NOT an introduction, but rather provides
some help in difficult cases (problems that people had over the last year,
mostly dealing with graphics in LaTeX). Look at this if you need to include
a Powerpoint slide into a LaTeX document or if you want to place two figures
next to each other.
If you are completely new to LaTeX, this Introduction
gives you a crash course and should suffice for the first attempts at LaTeX.
It is adapted to the latest LaTeX version 2e.
If you know some LaTeX already but don't know
all the commands or their usage (or keep forgetting them, like me), you
should have a look at "LaTeX
in 87 Minutes". This exists also as a PDF-Version
which is really easy to browse using acroread on Unix or
Reader on Windows. It will help in most or all cases that do not require
specific LaTeX extensions, and it probably saves you buying a LaTeX book.
This introduction does not only take 87 minutes, it also has 87 pages,
so please don't print it (at least not single-sided full-size).
LaTeX Tips and Tricks
graphical "programming", such as rotating pictures with their captions,
rotating text, customizing captions, figures, etc. on 86 pages. Many of
the tips and tricks in that document are included in
Tables in LaTeX are restricted to one
page. The supertabular-package
removes this limitation and is documented here.
The AMS (American Mathematical Society)
provides a number of classes and packages for math-heavy documents. For
example, there are a number of fonts that are normally installed in
any LaTeX distribution. A documentation
is available from the CS-GSO homepage.
LaTeX Templates for special purposes
We also have some
help you to start with a
(article), a
and a
Exciting news: this is an all new version, now compliant to the library's
requirements, I think. From there, writing your thesis is only a small
step :)
You may have to click on these links with
the right mouse-button to be able to save the files.
Advanced LaTeX
- Bibliographies are well supported in LaTeX. A documentation of the different forms of bibliography
entries plus some general information is available. We offer a small sample BIB-file for download to get you started. Check biblio.tex for an example how to use bibliographies. Compile this
file with the following sequence:
latex biblio; bibtex biblio; latex biblio; latex
If you use emacs to write documents, a BIBTeX style is supported and you
can easily add, edit, check, and sort entries.
- The CS-GSO conducted a LaTeX-tutorial on February 8, 2000. The handout given at this tutorial is available from this page as a
PostScript file. The source code is also available, if you want
to see some of the more advanced programming.
Extending LaTeX is possible with
external packages, fonts, styles, etc. A comprehensive archive of
available material is available from the Comprehensive TeX Archive
Converting Mircosoft-Generated Figures to EPS
This process may be necessary if You have created a figure in a
Microsoft product for usage in a LaTeX-written paper. In this case,
you have to convert the figure to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) which
no Microsoft product is able to do. We have two versions for this, the
first being our old CSGSO version, the second (using StarOffice which
is available on CS machines) contributed by Prof. Mark Claypool.
- Converting Windows-graphics to
EPS in order to include them in a LaTeX document. This is not a
trivial pursuit since no Microsoft-product supports the (open)
PostScript standard. The easiest way of converting any
Windows-generated vector graphic (such as Powerpoint/MS Draw pictures)
is converting them through Corel Draw which has excellent
EPS-export (and import!!!) filters. Of course, the best solution is to
draw your figures in Corel Draw in the first place. If this software
is not available WMF2EPS is a shareware Windows-software that
can convert Windows-Metafile to clean EPS. It requires a PC with a
PostScript printer driver (there are several on the Windows CD-ROMs)
and GSView
installed. Its use is a bit awkward, but it's a great and cheap way to
convert vector graphics files to EPS. Download from here.
Instructions for converting MS figures to eps for Latex:
- Open MS doc with Star Office
- select figure to convert
- Edit->Copy (or Ctrl-C) to copy
- File->New->Drawing to open up Star Draw
- Edit->Paste (or Ctrl-V) to paste
- File->Export
- Select "EPS - Encapulated Postscript" in the "File type" box.
- Choose filename. Click "Save".
- In next window, make sure to choose "Previews: no Preview"
and "Compression: None" or the next step will fail. Other options
can vary, but typically "Version: Level 2" and "Color format:
greyscale" are what you want. Click ok.
- run "ps2epsi" on the created file.
- Voila! Put the newly made file into your favorite LaTex doc.
Note, works great with Word. Works ok with Powerpoint but
is limited by Star Office support for native Powerpoint docs.
Creating PDF-Files with LaTeX
Even though PS-Files are the most widely used output format for LaTeX, some publishers (and
the WPI library) require Adobe's
Portable Document Format (PDF). Creating PDF from a
LaTeX document is very simple.
Just produce a PS-File as you normally would (with
dvips) and then run
ps2pdf from any CS-machine. However, this typically
creates files that are very large and look bad in Acrobat Reader since
they contain bitmap fonts (
more on that at the CCC
The most simple workaround is to use the
times-package (add
\usepackage{times}) to your main TeX-File. However, this will use the
familiar Times Roman/arial/Courier-font set, so your documents will look like
Micro$oft-Word-Documents (well, not as horribly formatted, but the fonts will resemble your
garden-variety Word-document). If you don't like that, you have to do a little more work on
the fonts.
Finally, after you have a file with Postscript-fonts in it, the best
way to convert it to PDF is using
Acrobat Distiller which is available in the CCC and
hopefully soon in the department, too. This will produce excellent results and near-perfect
PDF-files. Try that with Word
Have fun.
Last modified by CS-GSO,
Sunday, 27-Nov-2005 09:07:32 EST