What is the CS-GSO?
The CS Graduate Student Organization was founded in the Fall of 1998 out
of the need to improve the communication between faculty and students (and
also among students...) in the Computer Science department. In 2003, the
CS-GSO was merged into the
local ACM
Student Chapter. We remain our own separate entity, yet under the
guidance of the ACM.
The CS-GSO tries to help students in the CS department. We are keeping
contact with the faculty through an appointed graduate student who attends
the faculty meetings. You can always contact us at
csgso at cs dot wpi dot edu or in person. We try
to organize events to get to know each other and address your suggestions,
complaints, gripes, etc. We are trying to facilitate matters at the
department especially for new graduate students, but also help others with
problems that can be solved in cooperation with the faculty. We strive to
complement the
WPI GSG and refer
issues that can better be handled by that organization to it. The CS-GSO
is an informal organization in the sense that we are not an
official WPI special interest club. There is no official membership in the
CS-GSO, and everybody who likes can help with CS-GSO activities.
We are always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in working
with us, please send us an email. You should be a graduate student in
the Computer Science department.
We maintain an email list with current
students through which we make occasional announcements. This email
list is not public (i.e., you can not write emails to everyone on the
list). If you would like to contact the CS-GSO, please use the email
address csgso at cs dot wpi dot edu so the email reaches all of the officers.
Last modified by CS-GSO,
Wednesday, 26-Aug-2009 15:28:40 EDT