WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Class, Spring 2013

Course Overview

The goal of this seminar class is to acquaint participants with some of the fundamental concepts and state-of-the-art research in the areas of mobile computing, wireless networking and ubiquitous computing. Focus will be on the computer science issues in mobile computing. This semester's class will focus on emerging mobile and ubiquitous computing concepts that are implemented on smartphones. There are no formal requirements but it is expected that participants would have taken at least introductory classes in computer networks and operating systems. The course will consist of weekly presentations, discussions, assigned projects and a term project.

Each week, 4 papers will be assigned as required reading from the list of papers for that week. For the first week, I will do all the presentation. In weeks 2 through 13, students will present the required reading for that week. Papers assigned will include both overview and magazine articles which are rich in insight, as well as detailed case papers which investigate specific issues in more depth. In preparing your talk, please use the following powerpoint template for uniformity. Also please send me your powerpoint slides by noon on the day of your talk so that I can make the slides available on class website. A summary of presentation guidelines can be found [ HERE ]

Students will be encouraged to choose papers and projects to present in areas they may be interested in doing a class project. In addition to presenting their chosen papers, students will also be expected to participate in class discussions. There will assigned projects as well as a significant term project. The term projects will investigate in-depth one of the sub-topics treated in the seminar and group work will be encouraged. Google has donated Droid phones for use in this class and most of the final projects shall involve building and Android application.

Every class day, all students (except the presenters) should email me a summary of the assigned papers for that week before the start of class. The summaries should original but not exceed half a page per paper or book section. It should contain the key points, findings, contributions, etc of the papers. It should also demonstrate that you have read the assigned papers and not just copied the abstract or introduction. The summaries shall be graded on a simple scale from 0-2 (0 - no effort, 1 - moderate effort, 2 - Excellent job). The summary email should be a simple text email. Please do not email me Word files, pdf or any wordprocessing files. You can find some guidelines on what the summary should contain HERE

General Information

Discussions: Tuesdays, 6pm - 8.50pm, FL 311

Instructor: Prof. Emmanuel Agu, FL-139, 508-831-5568, emmanuel@cs.wpi.edu
Office Hours: Tuesday 5:00PM - 6:00PM; Others by appointment

Required Text:

There is no required text for this class. Discussed material shall be taken from academic papers. The following supplementary texts shall be used.

Supplemental Texts:

Class Websites: The class website is at http://www.cs.wpi.edu/~emmanuel/courses/cs525m/S13/.

Grading Policy: Presentation(s): 20%, Class participation: 10%, Assigned Projects 20%, Final project: 40%, Summaries: 10%.

Access to papers: A number of the assigned papers are from the ACM and IEEE digital libraries. To access these papers, you either have to be at home or configure your browser to use a proxy. You can find details for the proxy configuration on the CCC website at http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/CCC/Help/Software/proxy.html

Important Links



Description Deadline
Pick partner or decide to go alone, and decide project Area January 29
Propose project (with related work and approach) February 19
Mid-project update March 12
Final presentations April 23

Assigned Projects

Final Projects

Topics Schedule

Week 1 (Jan. 15): Introduction

Introduction: definitions, vision, overview of topics and vision

Week 2 (Jan 22): Application areas I: Healthcare and Personal Assistants

Week 3 (Jan 29): Web and Multimedia (Video and Images)

Week 4 (Feb 5): Mobile Social Networking

Topics: Novel mobile social applications, participatory/collaborative sensing, mobile crowdsourcing, mobile crowdsensing

Week 5 (Feb 12): Mobile/Wireless Measurement and Characterization

Topics: Mobile/ubiquitous application usage characterization, Smartphone traffic (smartphone-centric view of measurement), user behavior and mobility

Week 6 (Feb 19): Location-Aware Computing and Proximity

Topics: Location sensing, location information use, location sharing, detecting proximity and using proximity

Week 7: Human Activity and Emotion sensing

Topics: Techniques for sensing the human (physiology, psychology), systems for logging and tracking the human

Week 8 (Mar 12): Sensor processing, Context Awareness and Inference + (MID-PROJECT UPDATES)

Topics: Building/gathering context, sensor fusion, inferring context, machine learning and prediction, tools for managing context and using context

Week 9 (Mar 19): Energy Efficiency

Topics: Energy Measurement techniques/Online power estimation techniques and tools: Energy scavenging, energy monitoring, measurement and estimation techniques and tools, studies on energy usage on smartphone/results/findings, energy efficient application schemes and strategies and modelling energy usage

Week 10: (Mar 26) Systems Issues (Caching, prefetching, virtualization)

Topics: Profiling smartphone resource usage, mobile pre-fetching and hoarding, predictive app launching

Week 11 (Apr 2) Mobile Cloud (Storage, offloading communication and Cluster computing)

Topics: Computing using smartphone clusters/Offloading computation, making use of multiple networks, communication offloading, offloading storage/Mobile cloud

Week 12 (Apr 9): Security and Privacy

Topics: Location Privacy, mobile web privacy leakage, mobile security

Week 13 (Apr 16): Input devices and Mobile HCI

Topics: Input Devices, novel Interactions and User Interfaces, smartphone experience design

Week 14 (Apr 23): Student Project Presentations

All groups will give presentations of their final project.

Talk Schedule/Slides

Original Week Actual presentation Date Topic/Paper Presenter Slides
Week 1 Jan 15 Administrivia, introduction Emmanuel Agu (slides)
Week 2 Jan 22 BeWell: A Smartphone Application to Monitor, Model and Promote Wellbeing ( Alec Mitnik ) (slides)
Week 2 Jan 22 Accurate and privacy preserving cough sensing using a low-cost microphone ( Emmanuel Agu ) (slides)
Week 2 Jan 22 Mobile Health Mashups: Making sense of multiple streams of wellbeing and contextual data for presentation on a mobile device ( Mike Shaw ) (slides)
Week 2 Jan 22 Tapping into the Vibe of the City Using VibN ( Emmanuel Agu )
Week 3 Jan 29 Cost-Aware Mobile Web Browsing ( Zhilu Chen ) (slides)
Week 3 Jan 29 Understanding mobile web and mobile search use in today's dynamic mobile landscape ( Shary Llanos ) (slides)
Week 3 Jan 29 TagSense: a smartphone-based approach to automatic image tagging ( Joe True ) (slides)
Week 3 Jan 29 MicroCast: Cooperative Video Streaming on Smartphones ( Yejin Li ) (slides)
Week 4 Feb 5 Automatically characterizing places with opportunistic crowdsensing using smartphones ( David Muchene ) (slides)
Week 4 Feb 5 Using Proximity and Homophily to Connect Conference Attendees in a Mobile Social Network ( Qian He ) (slides)
Week 4 Feb 5 How long to wait?: predicting bus arrival time with mobile phone based participatory sensing ( Baoyuan Xing ) (slides)
Week 4 Feb 5 Social Sensing for Epidimiological Behavior Change ( Zahid Mian ) (slides)
Week 4 Feb 5 Focus on Projects ( Emmanuel ) (slides)
Week 5 Feb 12 Identifying diverse usage behaviors of smartphone apps ( Alec Mitnik ) (slides)
Week 5 Feb 12 Falling asleep with Angry Birds, Facebook and Kindle: a large scale study on mobile application usage ( Brett Levasseur ) (slides)
Week 5 Feb 12 Characterizing web use on smartphones ( Cheng Cheng ) (slides)
Week 5 Feb 12 Breaking for commercials: characterizing mobile advertising ( Yejin Li ) (slides)
Week 5 Feb 12 Project Proposal Focus ( Emmanuel Agu ) (slides)
Week 6 Feb 19 Identifying the Activities Supported by Locations with Community-Authored Content ( Shary Llanos ) (slides)
Week 6 Feb 19 Did you see Bob?: human localization using mobile phone ( Zijian Li ) (slides)
Week 6 Feb 19 Crowds replace experts: Building better location-based services using mobile social network interactions ( Xiaochen Huang ) (slides)
Week 6 Feb 19 Getting closer: an empirical investigation of the proximity of user to their smart phones ( Shengwen Han ) (slides)
Week 6 Feb 19 Programming your Prototypes ( Emmanuel Agu ) (slides)
Week 7 Feb 26 The Visage Face Interpretation Engine for Mobile Phone Applications ( Zahid Mian ) (slides)
Week 7 Feb 26 Activity recognition using cell phone accelerometers ( Raghu Rangan ) (slides)
Week 7 Feb 26 AutoGait: A Mobile Platform that Accurately Estimates the Distance Walked ( Martti Peltola ) (slides)
Week 7 Feb 26 EmotionSense: A Mobile Phones based Adaptive Platform for Experimental Social Psychology Research ( Mike Shaw ) (slides)
Week 8 Mar 12 When recommendation meets mobile: contextual and personalized recommendation on the go ( Zijian Liu ) (slides)
Week 8 Mar 12 Fusing Mobile, Sensor, and Social Data To Fully Enable Context-Aware Computing ( David Muchene ) (slides)
Week 9 Mar 19 An Analysis of Power Consumption in a Smartphone ( Wei Wang ) (slides)
Week 9 Mar 19 An empirical approach to smartphone energy level prediction ( Qian He ) (slides)
Week 9 Mar 19 Empowering Developers to Estimate App Energy Consumption ( Raghu Rangan ) (slides)
Week 9 Mar 19 Chameleon: a color-adaptive web browser for mobile OLED displays ( Yang Chengjiao )
Week 10 Mar 26 ProfileDroid: Multi-layer Profiling of Android Applications ( Cheng Cheng ) (slides)
Week 10 Mar 26 Why are web browsers slow on smartphones? ( Zhilu Chen ) (slides)
Week 10 Mar 26 Informed Mobile Prefetching ( Brett Levasseur ) (slides)
Week 10 Mar 26 Fast app launching for mobile devices using predictive user context ( Xiaochen Huang ) (slides)
Week 11 Apr 2 DroidCluster: Towards Smartphone Cluster Computing - The Streets are Paved with Potential Computer Clusters ( Pengfei Tang ) (slides)
Week 11 Apr 2 Mobile MapReduce: Minimizing Response Time of Computing Intensive Mobile Applications ( Vijay Sukhadeve ) (slides)
Week 11 Apr 2 Making Use of All the Networks Around Us: A Case Study in Android ( Emmanuel Agu ) (slides)
Week 11 Apr 2 vUPS: Virtually Unifying Personal Storage for Fast and Pervasive Data Accesses ( Pengfei Tang ) (slides)
Week 11 Apr 2 Writing Tips ( Emmanuel Agu ) (slides)
Week 12 Apr 9 Who's your best friend?: targeted privacy attacks In location-sharing social networks ( Wei Wang ) (slides)
Week 12 Apr 9 A survey of mobile malware in the wild ( Hiromu Enoki ) (slides)
Week 12 Apr 9 RiskRanker: scalable and accurate zero-day android malware detection ( Martti Peltola ) (slides)
Week 12 Apr 9 The Wi-Fi Privacy Ticker: Improving Awareness & Control of Personal Information Exposure on Wi-Fi ( Shengwen Han ) (slides)
Week 13 Apr 16 P2P Micro-Interactions with NFC-Enabled Mobile Phones ( Hiromu Enoki ) (slides)
Week 13 Apr 16 Using mobile phones to write in air ( Joe True ) (slides)
Week 13 Apr 16 EyePhone: Activating Mobile Phones With Your Eyes ( Baoyuan Xing ) (slides)
Week 13 Apr 16 uWave: Accelerometer-based Personalized Gesture Recognition and Its Applications ( Vijay Sukhadeve ) (slides)
Week 14 Apr 23 Student Final Project Presentations

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