WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

CS 525M Project Page, Spring 2013

Projects Overview

This page is for projects and project-related matters.

Project Interests

Group Team Members Project Update
Automated Wellness Application Raghu Rangan, Zahid Mian, Vijay Sukadeve
Digital Hearing Aids on Android Platform Wei Wang, Baoyuan Xing, Zhilu Chen, Shenwen Hang, Xiaochen Huang
[ Slides ]
Futuristic Weather App Brett Levasseur
[ Slides ]
Characterizing Social Awareness of Mobile Malware using Twitter Data Zijian Liu, Shary Llanos, David Muchene [ Slides ]
Pervasive Fall App Martti Peltola and Michael Shaw
[ Slides ]
Design and Development a medical app based on Medical Service Information (MSIS) and Google Map Pengfei Tang
[ Slides ]
Mobile Location Dashboard Joseph True
[ Slides ]
SuperSort: A Photo Sharing and Backup Application on Android Cheng Cheng and Yejin Li
[ Slides ]
Navigaid: GPS Navigation Aid Alec Mitnik and Hiromu Enoki [ Slides ]
Physical Activity App Qian He [ Slides ]

Project Ideas

Feel free to discuss your ideas and recruit people to work with you on your ideas. A myWPI website has been set up for this class. This would be a place to post some of your ideas and see if other people are interested or even have thoughts on how you can proceed. I will also check this messageboard and make suggestions. You can also approach me to discuss ideas in person.

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