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9.5 Reached UsesReached uses is a similar problem to live variable analysis. A Use of A is reached from the assignment statement A := if there is some path from the assignment to the use along whitch A is not redefined.
![]() We can detect useless assignments: they are those assignments with no reached uses. To find the equations for reached uses, note that the last definition of A in a block B reaches what the end of block B reaches, plus subsequent uses of A within B. Prior definitions of A within B reach only their uses within B. Equations for Reached Uses The domain is somewhat different here: the set of pairs consisting of a statement S and a variable A appearing on the right of S. Kill(B) = {(S,A) | S not in B and B contains an assignemnt to A}
Gen(B) = {(S,A) | S Transfer Equation
In(B) = (Out(B) - Kill(B)) Confluence Equation
![]() The algorithm is essentially the same as that for live variables; that is, we assume nothing is reached, and apply the equations. The result is the smallest solution since a use is reached only if we can really find a path to it. |