







Reducing Per-flow Memory Use in TCP SEARCH

Reducing Per-flow Memory Use in TCP SEARCH

Maryam Ataei Kachooei, Jae Chung, Amber Cronin, Feng Li, Benjamin Peters, Josh Chung and Mark Claypool

In Proceedings of the IEEE World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)
Fort Worth, TX, USA
May 27-30, 2025

The Slow start Exit At Right CHokepoint (SEARCH) algorithm is designed to exit the TCP slow start phase after the flow has reached the link capacity but before packets have been lost. To do this, SEARCH keeps a history of the bytes delivered over a recent time window, aggregated into bins. Unfortunately, this delivery history must be kept per-flow, adding additional memory load for each TCP connection. We address this per-flow memory load by observing that SEARCH only needs the relative number of bytes delivered and propose a bit-shifting technique that dynamically compresses bin values as needed. Our approach is tunable to the memory-use reduction required compared to the delivery precision needed. Evaluation of our approach over a satellite network shows SEARCH bin memory use can be reduced by 50% or even 75% without any significant sacrifice in SEARCH algorithm accuracy. Our approach is generalizable to other network algorithms, too, reducing memory use for algorithms that use sliding windows and historical data tracking.


More information:

SEARCH project page.

See also: