Here's a list of recent CS Computer Science Senior Projects.
Many students do their junior-year project at off-site project centers. Here is a list of those project sites with examples of projects done at each site.
In Computer Science, many faculty integrate their research with undergraduate research and Senior Projects. These collaborations can result in conference or journal publications. The range of research areas can be seen by looking at the range of at faculty research interests.
Please see the list of CS admissions assistants on the info page to ask them about their experiences and to get their thoughts on coops, internships and projects.
In our intro sequence, our primary course sequence (CS1101/CS2102) expects no prior programming experience. However we also have accelerated-paced versions of our first two courses (CS1102/CS2103). These accelerated courses are often good courses for students who have prior CS experience and can handle a faster pace. These courses allow the students to see more advanced material.
Also we have no required courses in our curriculum. Rather we have only three requirements in CS for our 7-week courses at WPI:
As a guideline, students typically take five courses at the CS1000/2000 level, five courses at the CS3000 level and the required five courses at the CS4000 level.
There is flexibility so if a student already knows the material in a course then there is no requirement the student take the course. The student simply goes on and takes the next course. This flexibility is great for students as they can focus on the courses of interest and end up taking more advanced material. This approach is also possible because we have "recommended background" for courses and not "prerequisites" so if a student thinks they have the appropriate background for a course then they can simply take it. Students do not need to obtain a waiver of prerequisites for a course.
We have many interdisciplinary majors that are related to CS. A double major can be done in four years with one of these majors as well as disciplines such as Math, Physics and Electrical & Computer Engineering.
If you are taking or have taken advanced placement or accelerated courses in high school then you are probably qualified to begin your WPI courses with CS 1102 (our first course for experienced programmers) instead of CS 1101 (our introductory course for expecting no programming background). If you take the Advanced Placement Examination and score a "4" or "5" you will receive elective credit at WPI (does not count towards the CS major).
We find that for students who are able to gain Computer Science experience in high school helps them learn if they like CS and have an aptitude for it.
WPI does not have a specific requirement, but here are recommendations.
CS students have machines running Windows, Mac and Linux. Due to the use of virtual machines and widely available programming environments, all of these platforms work just fine.
In addition, WPI has many public computing labs available to all students.
We try to provide you with lots of additional assistance. Large classes break out into smaller groups for seminar sessions and labs led by graduate teaching assistants (TAs), undergraduate senior assistants (SAs) and faculty. Office hours, and perhaps also help sessions, are provided for every course. Help is also available for all courses via email and online forums.
WPI's plan of undergraduate studies also requires students to do projects where students interact directly with one or more faculty members. This provides the equivalent of six courses of direct faculty-student contact.
The growth in enrollment for CS programs in the universities with the best return on investment has challenged all of us to provide high quality education. Over the years we have gradually increasing the number of faculty -- making sure we hire new faculty with a unique blend of strong teaching ability and high quality scholarship. We are committed to providing a "high touch" education, where students deal with people who provide customized care, and do not just interact with technology.