Intelligent User Interfaces
CS 525U - Spring 2008

Final Projects: Click here for gallery!

Professor: Charles Rich (See home page for office hours)

Meeting Time: Wednesday, 6:00pm -- 8:50pm

Meeting Place: Beckett Conference Room, Fuller Labs, 2nd Floor

Official Course Description: CS Special Topics Page

Detailed Schedule: Readings, Lectures & Project Milestones

Downloadable Movies Shown in Class

Project Materials: myWPI Login Required

Grading: 30% Readings Critiques (20 one or two page hand-ins) -- Blank Form for Critiques / TurnIn Site
30% Presentations (2 papers; each 25 minutes + 15 minutes discussion)
30% Individual Implementation Project (final demo and 3-page writeup)
10% Class Participation

Policies: Attendance
  • Regular class attendance (and active participation) is expected.
  • Please notify me in advance, if possible, if you are going to miss a class. If you are going to miss more than one, we need to discuss the impact it will have on your work.
Reading Critiques
  • Readings critiques must either be submitted electronically via TurnIn or in hardcopy to me by start of class in which reading is presented--late hand-ins will not be accepted.
  • Critiques will be graded as "check" (full credit), "check minus", or "check plus" (extra credit); see "How to Read a Research Paper" for discussion of what makes a good critique.
  • Graded critiques will be handed back next class for comments/questions.

Individual Implementation Projects

  • The project milestones are for your own benefit. They will not be enforced, but you violate them at your peril!
  • Completion of the project will consist of a live demonstration on the last day of the course and electronic submission (via TurnIn in advance or transfer in class via USB) of the zipped contents of a web page containing:

    • A screen shot illustrating the best "intelligent moment" using your application.

    • An executable jar file, i.e., a file that can be executed using "java -jar file.jar". This file must contain a Main-Class manifest entry and all of the class files in CETask, plus any utilities (e.g., GUI builders) you are using. Note that the default JVM does not handle jar files inside of jar files, so you need to expand all the class files properly. (You may find the Fat Jar Eclipse Plug-In handy.)

      NB: You will be required to run your demo in class using this jar file!

      If your project uses speech, please create a jar file that runs without speech, so that someone without a microphone can try it. You can leave in all your speech code, just omit the (expanded) jar files in task/speech. Make a separate entry in the web page for the speech version (there is also a separate turn-in assignment for the speech jar file).

    • A diagram and xml source for your task model.

    • A zip file containing all of your source (including CETask source, if you made any modifications)

    • A 1-2 page discussion of technical details---what worked, what didn't, etc. You may use this element of the web page for your in-class presentation. No extra PowerPoint slides, etc., are required.

    For further details on the organization of the web page, please review the sample web page and sample zip file provided. You may uses this web page as a template, or exercise your own creativity, as long as your page contains the same elements.

  • There will be no extensions for the final project demo or web page.

  • Please use the discussion forum at the course myWPI page for technical questions about the project, rather than sending email directly to me! (If you have a question/problem, chances are someone else has the same one.) I will check the forum once a day and reply there.
  • Students are encouraged to share ideas and coding tips (even to help debug each other's code and task models), but any direct copying of code will be grounds for a zero project grade.
Institute policy on academic honesty, such as copying work, will be followed in all cases.

For Further Reading:
  • J.W. Sullivan & S.W. Tyler, Intelligent User Interfaces, ACM Press, 1991.
  • M.T. Maybury & W. Wahlster, Readings in Intelligent User Interfaces, Morgan-Kaufmann, 1998.
  • ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 1993-2008