Page Improvement

  1. Using Screen Presentation Techniques may help to improve your page.

  2. To learn how users create nice pages, look at their HTML code. You do this selecting "Source" in the View menu for your browser. Do that now.

  3. Look at my Source again to see how I made this numbered list. You can make a bulleted list by using <ul> and </ul> (unordered list). Try these in your page.

  4. Using colored lines, balls and other graphics improve your page when done well.

  5. There are a number of ways to get and use graphics:

  6. The references below contain some nice graphics that you may want to download.

  7. Add links to other URL's by using <A HREF = " The URL goes here" > Some phrase to highlight </A>.

This is a very basic introduction to Web Page Creation. Remember to "View Source" to learn how page creators made their pages. There are references below to more sources

Creating a Killer Web Site

Lots of nice graphics

A nice collection of HTML References at U. Helsinki

The same group's collection of WWW references

Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

What do these buttons mean?