Try these in your page.
The "../images" means that it is at the address:
"" (You can piece that together by looking at the URL at the top of your page).
You can use this URL in any of your pages to show a blue ball.
Help yourself to (download) a picture: Move your mouse to the
blue ball
, and click
the right mouse button. If a menu appears, you can save this.
Save it to the same account as your html documents - or better:
make a subdirectory under public_html called "images" and
"mv" (if you are on UNIX) or "FTP" (if you saved it to your
PC hard drive) it there. Don't forget chmod on both the
directory and the file.
Scan pictures in (if you have access to a scanner.)
nice collection of HTML References at U. Helsinki
The same group's collection of WWW references
Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone