Writing for the Screen

Readers are influenced by the following in online documents:

While you may decide to use features of your own, or choose to ignore what research has shown about on-line documents, you should be familiar with this knowledge.

If you choose to ignore such results, you should be aware that you are doing so, and be prepared to justify the deviation.

There are also conflicting solutions for on-line presentation. For example, it is well known that:

It may be difficult to create a presentation which satsifies all of these.

Screens vary and are limited by

Research has shown that:

Such research suggests the following guidelines should generally be followed


In books, color is sometimes used to be decorative.

With today's screen resolutions and other aspects, color should not be used as a decoration on the screen.

It should be purely functional. According to Horton:

Like other aspects of multimedia, color preferences are an individual matter.

Research has shown, however, that:

Legibility tests have found that:

Other factors to consider for color are the differences between displays. Colors vary in the way they are projected.

Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

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