Historically, markup was used to refer to:
the process of marking
manuscript copy for typesetting with directions for use of type fonts
and sizes, spacing, indentation, etc.
(from the Chicago Manual
of Style, the bible of most publishers.)
In WYSIWYG systems, the system inserts the codes. In early WYSIWYG systems
such as Wordstar, the markup is visible on the screen.
You can view the markup in this document by looking at the Source with
whatever browser you are using.
The Style sheet (as in Word) is just a modernized version of markup.
Markup can be classified as one of two types:
Procedural Markup which is concerned with the appearance
of text - its font, spacing etc.
Descriptive or Declarative Markup which is concerned with
the structure or function of the tagged item.
Goldfarb believed
that :
and should completely divorce structure from appearance while facilitating
indexing, generation of selective views etc.
"markup should describe a document's structure and other attributes"
His ideas were ideal for leading the SGML design team.
Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone