David C. Brown

Artificial Intelligence Research Group
Computer Science Department, WPI
100 Institute Rd.
Worcester, MA 01609, USA.

Phone: (508) 831-5618
Fax: (508) 831-5776

1990   |   1991   |   1992   |   1993   |   1994   |   1995   |   1996   |   1997   |   1998   |   1999   |   2000   |   2001   |   2002   |   2003   |   2004   |   2005   |   2006   |   2007   |   2008   |   2009   |   2010   |   2011   |   2012   |   2013   |   2014   |   2015   |   2016   |   2017   |   2018

Refereed Publications etcetera:

D.C.Brown (Nov. 1973) The project and the Future of Computing Science Courses, The Computer Journal, B.C.S., Vol.16, No.4.

S.C.Kwasny & D.C.Brown (March 1976) Natural Language Graphics, Proc. 2nd Biennial Conference on Computing in Indiana, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

N.K.Sondheimer, D.C.Brown, H.W.Buttelmann, B.Chandrasekaran & S.C.Kwasny (Feb. 1977) A Natural Language Graphics Project, Proc. ACM Computer Science Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

D.C.Brown, S.C.Kwasny, H.W.Buttelmann, B.Chandrasekaran & N.K.Sondheimer (Aug. 1977) NLG -- Natural Language Graphics, Proc. 5th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (Feb. 1978) Representing Knowledge for a Natural Language Graphics System, Proc. ACM Computer Science Conference, Detroit, Michigan.

D.C.Brown, S.C.Kwasny, B.Chandrasekaran & N.K.Sondheimer (April 1978) An Experimental Graphics System with Natural Language Input, Computers and Graphics, Vol.4, No.1.

D.C.Brown (Feb. 1980) Invited participant, Special Issue on Knowledge Representation, SIGART Newsletter, No. 70, (Eds.) R.J.Brachman & B.C.Smith.
{This issue was an extensive review and analysis of all of the work in the USA on knowledge representation.}

D.C.Brown (Oct. 1980) Invited participant, KL-ONE Knowledge Representation Workshop, B.B.N., Cambridge, Mass.
{only about 30 people invited}

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (July 1981) Design Considerations for Picture Production in a Natural Language Graphics System, Computer Graphics, Vol.15, No.2, ACM SIGGRAPH.
{This paper was reviewed for the National ACM Computer Graphics Conference, and, although it was accepted, the organizers decided that as it lay between AI and Computer Graphics it may not be suitable for a "pure" graphics conference. Consequently they published it in Computer Graphics.}

D.C.Brown (1983) Input on Input, submitted to Computers & Graphics.
{and never seen again...}

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (May 1983) An Approach to Expert Systems for Mechanical Design, Trends & Applications Conference, IEEE Computer Society, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburgh, Maryland, pp. 173-180. {64 citations}

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (Aug. 1984) An Expert System for Mechanical Design: a Progress Report, Proc. ASME Computers in Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (Sept. 1984) Expert Systems for a Class of Mechanical Design Activity, Proc. IFIP WG5.2 Working Conference on AI in CAD, Budapest, Hungary.
{The IFIP Working Group conferences are intended to establish the state of the art in some area. Only 40 people were invited to attend. Papers interspersed with long discussion periods.}

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (April 1985) Plan Selection in Design Problem-Solving, Proc. AISB'85, Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior, Warwick, England.

D.C.Brown (Aug. 1985) Capturing Mechanical Design Knowledge, Proc. ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference, Boston, Mass.

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (Oct. 1985) Expert Systems for a Class of Mechanical Design Activity, Knowledge Engineering in Computer-Aided Design, J.S.Gero (Ed.) North Holland, pp. 259-282.

D.C.Brown (Oct. 1985) A Data-Base for a Design Expert System, Proc. 2nd Annual ACM Northeast Regional Conference, Framingham, Mass.

D.C.Brown (Nov. 1985) Failure Handling in a Design Expert System, Computer-Aided Design, (Ed.) J.S.Gero, Butterworths.

D.C.Brown (Feb. 1986) Expert System Problem-Solving Applications, Proc. ACM Computer Science Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.

D.C.Brown & R.Breau (April 1986) Types of Constraints in Routine Design Problem-Solving, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Applications of AI to Engineering Problems, Southampton University, UK.

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (July 1986) Knowledge and Control for a Mechanical Design Expert System, IEEE Computer, Special Issue on Expert Systems for Engineering Problems, (Ed.) Se June Hong.

D.C.Brown & P.Posco (Aug 1986) Expert Browsing in Manufacturing Data-Bases, Proc. ASME Computers in Engineering Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
{Report on applications of AI to Manufacturing research done with DEC.}

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (Aug 1986) DSPL: a language for constructing routine design systems, Workshop on Knowledge-Based Expert Systems for Engineering Design,, AAAI-86, Fifth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penn.
{The attendance was limited to 50 people, with only 9 papers presented.}

D.C.Brown (Sept 1986) Expert Systems for Design and Manufacturing. Third NRC-BOSTID Symposium for Developing Countries, US National Academy of Science, Lisbon, Portugal. Cutting Edge Technologies and Microcomputer Applications for Developing Countries, , Westview Press, 1988, pp. 275-291.
{Conference of about 40 selected scientists from a variety of countries.}

D.C.Brown (Oct. 1986) DSPL. Proc. Workshop on High Level Tools for Knowledge Based Systems, by invitation, sponsored by DARPA, AAAI, OSU-LAIR.
{restricted to about 40 invited researchers}

D.C.Brown & P.Posco (Nov. 1986) Looking for Trouble: Expert Browsing in Manufacturing Data-Bases, Computers in Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Vol.5, No.3, pp.19-23.

D.C.Brown & J.Dixon (Nov 1986) Guest Editors, Computers in Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Vol.5, No.3.
{My name was inadvertently left off the list of guest editors, but an apology appears in the March 1987 issue.}

P.Posco & D.C.Brown (Dec 1986) The Analysis of Complex Manufacturing Data Using Expert Diagnostic Browsing. Proc. Symposium on Knowledge-based Expert Systems for Manufacturing, Annual Winter Meeting, Production Engineering Division, ASME, Anaheim, California.

D.S.Green & D.C.Brown (Feb 1987) Qualitative Reasoning about Fit. Proc. ACM Computer Science Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.

D.S.Green & D.C.Brown (Feb 1987) Qualitative Reasoning about Shape and Fit. Proc. IFIP WG5.2 Working Conference on Expert Systems in Computer-Aided Design, , Sydney, Australia.

D.C.Brown & W.N.Sloan (August 1987) Compilation of Design Knowledge for Routine Design Expert Systems: an Initial View. Proc. ASME Conference on Computers in Engineering, New York, New York.

H.S.Teng & D.C.Brown (August 1987) XSAFE: A Prototype Expert System for Security Inspection of a VAX/VMS System in a Network Environment. Proc. 2nd International Conference on the Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Boston, MA.
{To my knowledge this is the first expert system to do a security evaluation of an operating system from within the computer.}

T.Y.L.Chiang & D.C.Brown (August 1987) DSPL Acquirer: A System for the Acquisition of Routine Design Knowledge. Proc. 2nd International Conference on the Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Boston, MA.

A.Kassatly & D.C.Brown (August 1987) Explanation for Routine Design Problem Solving. Proc. 2nd International Conference on the Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Boston, MA.

D.S.Green & D.C.Brown (August 1987) Spatial Reasoning during Design: Fit and Assembly. ICED'87, International Conference on Engineering Design, Boston, MA.

D.C.Brown (August 1987) Invited participant, NSF Workshop on Research Issues in Design Theory and Methodology, International Congress on Planning and Design Theory, Boston, MA.
{NSF sponsored workshop to discuss which research should be funded in the near future.}

H.S.Teng & D.C.Brown (September 1987) XSAFE: A Prototype Expert System for Security Inspection. The 10th National Computer Security Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.

D.C.Brown (October 1987) Invited participant, The 1st IFIP WG5.2 Workshop on Intelligent CAD, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
{International workshop on the future of CAD}

D.C.Brown (October 1987) A Graduate Level Expert Systems Course. The AI Magazine, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Vol.8, No.3, Fall 1987.
{Describes my approach to the advanced graduate course in Expert Knowledge-Based Problem-Solving Systems.}

D.S.Green & D.C.Brown (October 1987) Qualitative Reasoning during design about Shape and Fit: a preliminary report. Expert Systems in Computer-Aided Design, (Ed.) J.S.Gero, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 93-112.

D.Swithenbank, D.C.Brown & P.Posco (Feb 1988) Artificial intelligence in manufacturing strategy, Technology Strategies, No.28, Strategic Direction Publ. Ltd., Switzerland.

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (April 1988) Expert Systems for a Class of Mechanical Design Activity, Expert Systems in Engineering, (Ed.) D.T.Pham, IFS Publications/Springer-Verlag, pp.334-360. Selected Reprint from (Oct. 1985) Knowledge Engineering in Computer-Aided Design, J.S.Gero (Ed.), North Holland, pp. 259-282.

D.C.Brown (June 1988) Invited Participant, Design Theory'88, NSF Grantee Workshop on Design Theory and Methodology, R.P.I., Troy, NY.

G.F.Salazar & D.C.Brown (June 1988) The Effects of Constructability Knowledge on the Automation of Preliminary Building Design. Proc. Fifth International Symposium on Robotics in Construction, Tokyo, Japan.

S.Bacon & D.C.Brown (Aug 1988) Reasoning about Mechanical Devices: A Top-Down Approach to Deriving Behavior from Structure. Proceedings of the 1988 ASME Computers in Engineering Conf., San Francisco, CA.

R.Kwauk & D.C.Brown (Aug 1988) Generating and Applying Failure Recovery Suggestions in Hierarchical Design Systems. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering: Diagnosis and Learning, (Ed.) J.Gero, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, UK, pp. 29-50.

W.N.Sloan & D.C.Brown (Aug 1988) A Method of Constraint Compilation in Routine Design Expert Systems. Workshop on AI in Design, AAAI-88, Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, St. Paul, Minn.

D.C.Brown, P.Posco, S.Bacon & L.Leamus (Aug 1988) Experiences with Developing Expert Systems for an Evolving Domain. Workshop on AI in Process Engineering, AAAI-88, Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, St. Paul, Minn.

D.C.Brown (Sept 1988) The Origins of Routine Design Knowledge. Proc. 2nd IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Intelligent CAD, Cambridge, UK.

B.H.Roberts & D.C.Brown (March 1989) Using Simulation Techniques to Improve Skeletal Plans for the Control of a Vertical Internal Grinding Machine. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Eastern Simulation Conference, Tampa, Florida.

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (May 1989) Design Problem Solving: Knowledge Structures and Control Strategies . Research Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series, Pitman Publishing, Ltd., London, England. {222 citations}

D.C.Brown (June 1989) Adjusting Constraints in Routine Design Knowledge. Proceedings of the NSF Engineering Design Research Conference, UMass.

S.P.Carney & D.C.Brown (July 1989) A Qualitative Model for Reasoning about Shape and Fit. Artificial Intelligence in Design, Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on the Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, AIENG'89, Cambridge, UK, (Ed.) J.S.Gero, Computational Mechanics Publications & Springer Verlag, pp. 251-272.

B.H.Roberts & D.C.Brown (July 1989) Using Expert Knowledge to Select and Improve Skeletal Plans for the Control of a Vertical Internal Grinding Machine. Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing, Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on the Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, AIENG'89, Cambridge, UK, (Ed.) J.S.Gero, Computational Mechanics Publications & Springer Verlag, pp. 291-306.

D.C.Brown (Sept 1989) Compilation: The Hidden Dimension of Design Systems. Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Intelligent CAD, Osaka, Japan.

D.C.Brown & R.Bansal (Nov 1989) Using Design History Systems for Technology Transfer. Proc. MIT-JSME Workshop on Cooperative Product Development, MIT, Cambridge, MA.
{Selected for presentation}

S.P.Carney & D.C.Brown (Nov 1989) A Continued Investigation into Qualitative Reasoning about Shape and Fit. (AI EDAM) Journal, Vol.3, No. 2, Academic Press, pp. 85-110.

D.C.Brown, L.A.Becker, P.Jayachandran, G.F.Salazar, M.O.Ward, D.Wolaver (1989) Abstracts of Research on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing. (AI EDAM) Journal, Academic Press.

D.C.Brown (Dec. 1989) Making Design Routine. Intelligent CAD, 1. (Eds.) H.Yoshikawa & D.Gossard, North-Holland, pp. 187-200. {12 citations}

R.Horner & D.C.Brown (July 1990) Knowledge Compilation using Constraint Inheritance. Proc. 5th International Conf. on Applications of AI in Engineering, Boston, MA. {6 citations}

E.W.Large & D.C.Brown (July 1990) Knowledge Compilation by Analogy: Adaptation of Design Plans by Analogical Matching and Derivational Plan Transformation. Proc. 5th International Conf. on Applications of AI in Engineering, Boston, MA.

D.C.Brown (July 1990) Research into Knowledge-based Design at WPI. Invited paper, Proc. 5th International Conf. on Applications of AI in Engineering, Boston, MA.

H.S.Teng & D.C.Brown (Aug 1990) An Expert Systems Approach to Security Inspection of UNIX. Proc. Second UNIX Security Workshop, USENIX, Portland, OR.

E.J.Meehan & D.C.Brown (Sept 1990) Constraint Absorption and Relaxation using a Design History. Proc. 2nd ASME International Conference on Design Theory & Methodology, Chicago, IL.

D.C.Brown (1990) Routine Design Problem Solving. Invited Chapter, Expert Systems in Engineering and Architecture, (Ed.) J.Gero, Addison-Wesley.
{Unfortunately, this book was cancelled due to production difficulties}.

S.D.Bacon & D.C.Brown (1991) A Top-Down Approach to Deriving Behavior from Structure in Mechanical Devices. Being revised after review, for publication in: Research in Engineering Design Journal, Springer-Verlag.

D.C.Brown & R.Bansal (1991) Using Design History Systems for Technology Transfer. Computer Aided Cooperative Product Development, (Eds.) D. Sriram, R. Logcher & S. Fukuda, Lecture Notes Series, No. 492, Springer Verlag, pp. 544-559. {20 citations}

D.C.Brown (1991) Compilation: The Hidden Dimension of Design Systems. Intelligent CAD, III, (Eds.) H.Yoshikawa & F.Arbab, North-Holland.
{Rewritten version of paper presented in Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Intelligent CAD, Osaka, Japan.} {10 citations}

D.C.Brown (1991) Emergent Themes in Intelligent CAD. Intelligent CAD, III, (Eds.) H.Yoshikawa & F.Arbab, North-Holland.

G.F.Salazar, D.C.Brown & H.H.Einstein (April 1991) A Computer-Based Environment for Integrated Tunneling Design and Construction. Proc. Exp. Sys. Symp. on Computer-Integrated Design and Construction, ASCE Construction Congress II. Cambridge, MA.

D.C.Brown & M.B.Spillane (June 1991) An Experimental Evaluation of some Design Knowledge Compilation Mechanisms. Artificial Intelligence in Design '91, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on AI in Design, Edinburgh, Scotland, Butterworth-Heinemann Publishers.

D.C.Brown, G.F.Salazar & S.X.Liu (Dec 1991) An Intelligent Graphical Interface for Tunnel Support Specification. Proceedings of the 1st World Congress on Expert Systems, Orlando, FL.

D.C.Brown (1992) Design. Invited article for 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, (Ed.) S. Shapiro, J. Wiley & Sons.
Also published as:
D.C.Brown (1993) Intelligent Computer Aided Design. Invited article for the Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Volume 28, (Eds.) A.Kent & J.G.Williams, Marcel Dekker, Inc.

D.C.Brown, R.Horner, M.Kim, E.Large, J.Liu, E.Meehan, W.N.Sloan & M.Spillane (1992) Experiences with Modelling Memory and Simple Learning in Routine Design Problem-Solving Systems. Knowledge Aided Design, (Ed.) M.Green, Academic Press, pp. 239-257.

D.C.Brown & B.Chandrasekaran (1992) Investigating Routine Design Problem Solving. Invited Chapter, AI in Engineering Design, Vol. 1, (Eds.) C.Tong & D.Sriram, Addison-Wesley. {8 citations}

D.C.Brown (1992) Experience with the PTTT System. Invited position paper, First Workshop on Enabling Technologies for Concurrent Engineering, Concurrent Engineering Research Center (CERC), West Virginia University, 22-23 April 1992.

D.C.Brown (June 1992) "Design History Systems in Concurrent Engineering", Workshop on Intelligent Systems in Concurrent Engineering. Second International Conference on AI in Design, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

D.C.Brown (June 1992) "RP or not RP? Perhaps that's the Question", Workshop on Machine Learning in Design. Second International Conference on AI in Design, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

D.C.Brown (June 1992) "The Reusability of DSPL Systems", Workshop on Reusable Design Systems. Second International Conference on AI in Design, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

D.C.Brown (June 1992) "Dimensions of Design Activity", Workshop on Search and Exploration-based Models of Design. Second International Conference on AI in Design, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

M.B.Spillane & D.C.Brown (July 1992) Evaluating Design Knowledge Compilation Mechanisms. Intelligent Computer Aided Design, (Eds.) D.C.Brown, M.Waldron & H.Yoshikawa, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), pp. 351-373.

D.C.Brown, M.Waldron & H.Yoshikawa (Eds.) (July 1992) Intelligent Computer Aided Design, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland).

J.Liu & D.C.Brown (July 1992) The Generation of Decomposition Knowledge for Near Routine Design Problems. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on the Applications of AI in Engineering, Waterloo, Canada.

W.Hathaway, M.Steinhoff, R.Whyte, D.C.Brown, J.Choate, R.Adelgren (July 1992), Expert Systems and Ballistic Range Data Analysis, Proc. 17th AAIAA, Aerospace Ground Testing Conference, Nashville, TN.

J.J.Bausch, D.C.Zenger, D.C.Brown, R.Ludwig & R.D.Sisson (August 1992) Integrated Design and Manufacturing Strategies for Powder Processing Applications. Proc. University Programs in Computer Aided Engineering, Design and Manufacturing (UPCAEDM'92), Tennessee Technological University.

J.Liu & D.C.Brown (Oct. 1992) Using Multiple Sources of Knowledge to Generate Design Decompositions. AAAI Fall Symposium on Design from Physical Principles, Cambridge, MA.

P.Patil, D.C.Brown & N.I.Hachem (1993) Intelligent Data Analysis Systems. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Chapman & Hall, Vol. 4, pp. 121-137.

R.D.Sisson, D.C.Zenger, J.J.Bausch, D.C.Brown & J.C.O'Shaughnessy (Jan. 1993) Intelligent, Integrated, Interactive Design. Advanced Materials and Processes, Vol. 143, No. 1.

D.C.Brown & R.Douglas (1993) Concurrent Accumulation of knowledge: A View of CE. The Handbook of Concurrent Design and Manufacturing, (Eds.) H.R.Parsaei & W.G.Sullivan, Chapman & Hall, pp. 402-412.

R.E.Douglas, Jr., D.C.Brown & D.C.Zenger (1993) A Concurrent Engineering Demonstration & Training System for Engineers and Managers. Revue Internationale de CFAO et d'Inforgraphie, (International Journal of CAD/CAM and Computer Graphics), special issue on "AI and Computer Graphics", (Ed.) I.Costea, Hermes, Vol.8, No.3, pp. 263-301. {6 citations}

D.C.Zenger, D.C.Brown, J.J.Bausch, R.D.Sisson & R.Ludwig (May 1993) An Interactive Design and Manufacturing Methodology for the Conceptual Design Phase. CMSE's 7th Conf. with Industry, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.

D.C.Brown & J.Liu (May 1993) Generating Design Decompositions. Proc. CAD-93 Conf., Gurzuff, Ukraine.

D.C.Zenger, D.C.Brown, J.J.Bausch, R.D.Sisson & R.Ludwig (June 1993) Interactive Design for Manufacture and Inspection for Powder Processing Applications. International Forum on DFMA, Newport, RI.

S.K.Victor, D.C.Brown, J.J.Bausch, D.C.Zenger, R.Ludwig & R.D.Sisson (June 1993) Using Multiple Expert Systems with Distinct Roles in a Concurrent Engineering System for Powder Ceramic Components. Applications of AI in Engineering VIII. Vol 1: Design, Methods and Techniques. Proc. AIENG'93, Toulouse, France. (Eds.) G.Rzevski, J.Pastor & R.A.Adey, Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, pp. 83-96.

D.C.Brown, R.E.Douglas, Jr. & D.C.Zenger (June 1993) A Concurrent Engineering Demonstration System for use in Training Engineers and Managers. Applications of AI in Engineering VIII. Vol 1: Design, Methods and Techniques. Proc. AIENG'93, Toulouse, France. (Eds.) G.Rzevski, J.Pastor & R.A.Adey, Computational Mechanics Publications & Elsevier Applied Science, pp. 505-520.

J.Liu & D.C.Brown (June 1993) Compiling Design Decompositions from Other Knowledge. Proc. KCSL'93: Third International Workshop on Knowledge Compilation and Speedup Learning, Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning (ML93), UMass, Amherst, MA, pp. 107-111.

D.C.Brown (July 1993) Exploring the Role of Single Function Agents in Negotiation. AAAI-93 Workshop on AI in Collaborative Design, Washington, D.C.

D.C.Zenger, J.J.Bausch, D.C.Brown, R.D.Sisson & R.Ludwig (July 1993) Interactive Design, Intelligent Process Planning, and Automated Control for Powder Metallurgy Components. Powder Metallurgy World Congress, Kyoto, Japan.

J.J.Bausch, D.C.Zenger, D.C.Brown & R.D.Sisson (January 1994) Interactive, Integrated, Intelligent Design and Process Planning for Powder Ceramic Components (I3D). Proc. 1994 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, MIT, Cambridge, MA, p.13

D.C.Brown & J.Liu (January 1994) Decomposition of Parametric Design Problems. Proc. 1994 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, MIT, Cambridge, MA, p.19

S.Cha, R.Zalosh & D.C.Brown (1994) ADVENT: An Expert System for Explosion Vent Design. Proc. Process Plant Safety Symposium, AIChE, Houston, Feb 28 - Mar 4.

D.C.Brown, S.Victor, D.C.Zenger & J.J.Bausch (Feb.1994) An Interactive, Integrated and Intelligent System for Powder Materials Component Design and Process Planning. Proc. TMS 123rd Ann. Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

L.Lau, D.C.Zenger & D.C.Brown (December 1994) An Expert System for Copper Infiltration Process Planning. Metal Powder Industries Federation -- American Powder Metallurgy Institute, International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials, May 8-11, 1994, Toronto, Canada.

R.Chabot & D.C.Brown (Spring 1994) Knowledge Compilation Using Constraint Inheritance. (AI EDAM): Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Special Issue: Machine Learning in Design, (Eds.) M.L.Maher, D.C.Brown, A.H.B.Duffy, Vol.8, No.2, pp. 125-142.

M.L.Maher, D.C.Brown & A.Duffy (1994) Guest Editorial, Special Issue on "Machine Learning in Design", (AI EDAM) Journal, Vol.8, No.2, pp. 81-82.

S.K.Victor & D.C.Brown (July 1994) Designing with Negotiation using Single Function Agents. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering IX. (Eds.) G.Rzevski, R.A.Adey, D.W.Russell, Proc. AIENG'94, 9th Int. AI in Engineering Conf., Pennsylvania, USA. Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 173-179.

J.Liu & D.C.Brown (August 1994) Generating Design Decomposition Knowledge for Parametric Design Problems. AID-94, AI in Design Conference, Artificial Intelligence in Design '94, (Eds.) Gero & Sudweeks, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, pp. 661-678. {14 citations}

D.L.Grecu & D.C.Brown (August 1994) Learning by Design Agents during Negotiation. Preprints of Workshop on Machine Learning in Design, AID-94, AI in Design Conference.

D.C.Brown (August 1994) Rationale in Design. Preprints of Workshop on Representing and Using Design Rationale, AID-94, AI in Design Conference.

D.C.Brown (August 1994) Types of Theories and their Roles. Preprints of Workshop on the Nature and Role of Theory in Design, AID-94, AI in Design Conference. Selected for presentation.

M.E.Balazs & D.C.Brown (August 1994) The Use of Function, Structure and Behavior in Design. Preprints of Workshop on Representing Function in Design, AID-94, AI in Design Conference.

D.C.Brown, B.Dunskus & D.Grecu (August 1994) Using Single Function Agents to Investigate Negotiation. Preprints of the AAAI-94 Workshop on Models of Conflict Management in Cooperative Problem Solving, (Eds.) S. Lander & M. Klein. Selected for presentation.

D. C. Brown, Position paper, "A Design Theory", NSF Strategic Planning Workshop on Design Engineering, Tempe, AZ, May 1995.

D.C.Brown, B.Dunskus, D.L.Grecu & I.Berker (July 1995) SINE: Support For Single Function Agents. In: Applications of AI in Engineering, X, (eds) G.Rzevski, R.A. Adey & C. Tasso, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 525-532. {24 citations}

D.C.Brown, C.E.Wills, B.V.Dunskus & J.Kemble (August 1995) TENNIS: A Computer Network Ease of Service Evaluation System. IJCAI-95 Workshop on AI in Distributed Information Networks, Montreal, Canada.

B.Dunskus, D.L.Grecu , D.C.Brown & I.Berker (Sept. 1995) Using Single Function Agents to Investigate Conflicts. AI EDAM: Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, vol. 9, no. 4, Special Issue: Conflict Management in Design, (Ed.) I.Smith, Cambridge UP, pp. 299-312. {26 citations}

W.F.Punch, A.K.Goel & D.C.Brown (Sept. 1995) A Knowledge-Based Selection Mechanism for Strategic Control with Application in Design, Assembly, and Planning. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 4 (3), pp. 323-348.
{Bill Punch is a faculty member at Michigan State University; Ashok Goel is a faculty member at Georgia Tech.}.

D.L.Grecu & D.C.Brown (March 1996) "Learning to Design Together", 1996 AAAI Spring Symposium on "Adaptation, Co-evolution and Learning in Multiagent Systems", Stanford, CA.

D.C.Brown (1996) Routineness Revisited. Mechanical Design: Theory and Methodology, (Eds.) M. Waldron & K. Waldron, Springer-Verlag, pp. 195-208. {14 citations}

D.C.Brown, S.E.Lander & C.J.Petrie (March 1996) "The Application of Multi-agent Systems to Concurrent Engineering", Editorial. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Journal, Special Issue on Multi-agent Systems in Concurrent Engineering, (Eds.) D. C. Brown, S. E. Lander & C. J. Petrie, Technomic Publishing Inc., Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 2-5.

I.Berker & D.C.Brown (March 1996) "Conflicts and Negotiations in Single Function Agent Based Design Systems". Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Journal, Special Issue on Multi-agent Systems in Concurrent Engineering, (Eds.) D. C. Brown, S. E. Lander & C. J. Petrie, Technomic Publishing Inc., Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 17-33. {27 citations}

D.M.Gaines, D.C.Brown & J.K.Doyle (1996) A Computer Model of Juror Decision Making. Expert Systems with Applications, Pergamon Press, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 13-28. {9 citations}

A.H.B.Duffy, D.C.Brown & M.L.Maher, (April 1996) Guest Editorial, Second Special Issue on "Machine Learning in Design", AI EDAM Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, Cambridge University Press, April 1996, pp. 81-82.

D.L.Grecu & D.C.Brown (April 1996) "Design Agents that Learn", Research Abstract, Special Issue on "Machine Learning in Design", AI EDAM Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, Cambridge University Press, April 1996, pp. 149-150.

D.C.Brown (April 1996) "Knowledge Compilation In Routine Design Problem Solving Systems" Research Abstract, Special Issue on "Machine Learning in Design", AI EDAM Journal, Vol.10, No.2, Cambridge University Press, April 1996, pp. 137-138.

D.C.Brown (April 1996) Contributed to and assisted with editing of "Research Opportunities in Engineering Design", NSF Strategic Planning Workshop, Final Report, J.J.Shah, Editor, Directorate of Engineering, National Science Foundation.

D.C.Brown (1996) "Single Function Agents for Design". Knowledge Intensive CAD, Volume I, (Eds.) T. Tomiyama, M. Mantyla & S. Finger, Chapman & Hall (IFIP), pp. 15-20.

D.L.Grecu & D.C.Brown (June 1996) "Learning by Single Function Agents During Spring Design", Artificial Intelligence in Design '96, (Eds.) J. S. Gero & F. Sudweeks, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 409-428. {27 citations}

D.L.Grecu & D.C.Brown (June 1996) "Dimensions of Learning in Agent-Based Design", Preprints of Workshop on Machine Learning in Design, AID'96, Stanford, CA. {12 citations}

M.He & D.C.Brown (June 1996) "An Application of CBR in Design System Generation", Preprints of Workshop on Case Based Reasoning in Design, AID'96, Stanford, CA.

M.E.Balazs & D.C.Brown (June 1996) "Function in Design Presentations", Preprints of Workshop on Functional Reasoning, AID'96, Stanford, CA.

D.C.Brown (August 1996) "Modelling Conflicts Between Agents in a Design Context", ECAI'96 Workshop on Modelling Conflicts in AI, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Budapest, Hungary.

M.E.Balazs, D.C.Brown, P.Bastien & C.E.Wills (September 1996) "How to Present Designs", IFIP WG5.2 Conference on Knowledge Integrated CAD, KIC-2, CMU.

D.C.Brown (November 1996) "Some Thoughts on Configuration Processes", AAAI 1996 Fall Symposium Workshop: Configuration, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, November 9-11, 1996. {9 citations}

D.C.Brown (1997) "Which Way to KIC?", Knowledge Intensive CAD, Volume II, (Eds) M. Mantyla, S. Finger & T. Tomiyama, Chapman & Hall, 1997, pp. 291-294.

M.E.Balazs, D.C.Brown, P.Bastien & C.E.Wills (1997) "Graphical Presentation of Designs: A Knowledge Intensive Design Approach", Knowledge Intensive CAD, Volume II, (Eds) M. Mantyla, S. Finger & T. Tomiyama, Chapman & Hall, 1997, pp. 173-188.

C.Shakeri, D.C.Brown & M.N.Noori (1997) "A Knowledge-based Design Tool for the Concurrent Design of Robots", submitted to Simultaneous Engineering: Methodologies and Applications, (Eds) U.Roy, J.M.Usher & H.R.Parsaei, Gordon and Breach, 1997.

D. C. Brown & W. P. Birmingham (1997) Guest Editors' Introduction: Understanding the Nature of Design, IEEE Expert, Vol. 12, No. 2, March-April 1997, pp. 14-17.

D. L. Grecu & D. C. Brown (1997) "Learning, Agents, Design & Rationality", submitted to Workshop on Multiagent Learning, AAAI-97, The 14th National Conference on AI, Providence, RI, July 1997.

K. Lai & D. C. Brown (1997) "A Functional Data Modeler for Engineering Applications", Submitted to Computers in Industrial Engineering.

D. C. Brown & D. L. Grecu (1997) " An `AI in Design' View of Design", Technical Report, CS Dept., WPI.

D. L. Grecu & D. C. Brown (April 1998) "Dimensions of Machine Learning in Design", AI EDAM, special issue on Machine Learning in Design, (Eds.) A. H. B. Duffy, D. C. Brown & A. K. Goel, Cambridge U.P., pp. 117-121. {11 citations}

A. H. B. Duffy, D. C. Brown & A. K. Goel (April 1998) Guest Editorial, AI EDAM, special issue on Machine Learning in Design, Cambridge U.P., pp. 93-94.

M. E. Balazs & D. C. Brown (July 1998) "A Preliminary Investigation of Design Simplification by Analogy", In: Proc. Artificial Intelligence in Design '98, (Eds.) Gero & Sudweeks, Kluwer, pp. 517-534.

D. L. Grecu & D. C. Brown (July 1998) "Evaluating the impact of distributed learning in real-world design problems", In: Preprints AID98 Workshop on Machine Learning in Design, Lisbon, Portugal.

D. C. Brown (July 1998) "Where's the Knowledge?", In: Preprints AID98 Workshop on Evolutionary Design, Lisbon, Portugal.

D. C. Brown (July 1998) "Routineness, Creativity and Strategic Knowledge", In: Preprints AID98 Workshop on Strategic Knowledge Design, Lisbon, Portugal.

D. C. Brown (July 1998) "Functional Emergence", In: Preprints AID98 Workshop on Emergence in Design, Lisbon, Portugal.

M. E. Balazs & D. C. Brown (July 1998) "Structural, Behavioral and Functional Simplification of Designs", Functional/Teleological Reasoning Workshop, AAAI-98, Madison, WI.

C. Shakeri, D. C. Brown & M. N. Noori (August 1998) "Discovering Methodologies for Integrated Product Design", Proc. Artificial Intelligence and Manufacturing: Second Bi-annual AI & Mfg Workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

D. C. Brown (Sept. 1998) " Improving Design with Agents, or, Improving Agents by Design", Workshop on Intelligent Agents and Their Potential for Future Design and Synthesis Environment, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681.

D. C. Brown (Sept. 1998) " Defining Configuring", invited paper, AI EDAM, special issue on Configuration, (Eds.) T. Darr, D. McGuinness & M. Klein, Cambridge U.P., Vol. 12, pp. 301-305. {41 citations}

D. L. Grecu & D. C. Brown (Dec 1998) "Guiding Agent Learning in Design", Preprints of KIC3, The Third IFIP Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD, (Eds) S. Finger, T. Tomiyama, M. Mantyla, Tokyo, Japan.

C. E. Wills, D. C. Brown, B. Dunskus and J. Kemble (Nov. 1998) "Evaluating Network Serviceability". Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, the International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, Vol. 30, No. 24, pp. 2283-2291.

D. C. Brown (July 1999) " Requirements for Configurer Tests", Workshop on Configuration, AAAI'99: 16th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Orlando, Florida

D. L. Grecu & D. C. Brown (July 1999) "Expectation-based Learning in Design", Student Abstract and Poster Program, AAAI'99: 16th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Orlando, Florida.

D. C. Brown (Aug 1999) " Sketches, and Icons, and Features, Oh My!", Rapporteur's Summary: Session 2, conference on Visual & Spatial Reasoning in Design, MIT, Cambridge, USA, 15-17 June 1999.

I. F. Cruz, K. M. James & D. C. Brown (Nov 1999) " Integrating Layout into Multimedia Data Retrieval", Proc. AAAI Fall Symposium on `Using Layout', Falmouth, MA.

D. C. Brown & C. Shakeri (1999) "Discovery of Design Methodologies for the Integration of Multi-disciplinary Design Problems". Invited paper, to appear in: L. Blessing & A. Chakrabarti, Design Research Methodology, Springer Verlag, London.

D. L. Grecu & D. C. Brown (Nov. 1999) "Guiding Agent Learning in Design", In: Knowledge Intensive Computer Aided Design, (Eds) S. Finger, T. Tomiyama, M. Mantyla, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

D. C. Brown, I. F. Cruz, D. Finkel, R. E. Kinicki & C. E. Wills (Mar. 2000) "Experiences with the Webware, Interfaces and Networking Experimental Laboratory", Proc. ACM SIGCSE Conference.

M. E. Balazs & D. C. Brown (June 2000) "Design Simplification by Analogical Reasoning", In: Proc. KIC-4: Fourth IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD.

J. E. Burge & D. C. Brown (2000) "Reasoning with Design Rationale", In Artificial Intelligence in Design'00, Proc. of AID'00: the 6th Int. Conf. on AI in Design, (Ed.) J. S. Gero, Kluwer, Dordrecht. {27 citations}

C. Shakeri, D. C. Brown & M. N. Noori (2000) "Discovery of Design Methodologies", In Artificial Intelligence in Design'00, Proc. of AID'00: the 6th Int. Conf. on AI in Design, (Ed.) J. S. Gero, Kluwer, Dordrecht.

D. L. Grecu & D. C. Brown (2000) "Expectation Formation in Multi-Agent Design Systems", In Artificial Intelligence in Design'00, Proc. of AID'00: the 6th Int. Conf. on AI in Design, (Ed.) J. S. Gero, Kluwer, Dordrecht. {10 citations}

D. C. Brown & D. L. Grecu (June 2000) "Always Expect the Unexpected!", Proc. Workshop on Machine Learning in Design, AID'00: the 6th Int. Conf. on AI in Design, WPI.

D. C. Brown (2000) "Modelling Conflicts Between Agents in a Design Context", In: Computational Conflicts, H. J. Müller & R. Dieng, Springer Verlag, 2000, pp. 144-164.

D. C. Brown (Nov 2000) "AI Views of Conceptual Design", Keynote presentation, CAID & CACD 2000: Third Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Computer-Aided Conceptual Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

M. Claypool, P. Le, M. Waseda & D.C. Brown (Jan. 2001) "Implicit Interest Indicators", Proc. IUI'01 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Santa Fe, New Mexico. {Best Paper award} {292 citations}

M.E. Balazs & D.C. Brown (2001) "Design Simplification by Analogical Reasoning", In: Knowledge Intensive Computer Aided Design, (eds.) Rizzi, Cugini & Wozny, Kluwer Academic Publishers. {9 citations}

M. Claypool, D. C. Brown, P. Le & M. Waseda (Nov./Dec. 2001) "Inferring User Interest", IEEE Internet Computing, special issue on Personalization and Privacy, pp. 32-39. {84 citations}

J. E. Burge & D. C. Brown (November 2001) "Design Rationale for Software Maintenance", Proc. Automated Software Engineering Conf., San Diego.

J.E.Burge & D.C.Brown (2002) "NFRs: fact or fiction". WPI Computer Science Technical Report. {12 citations}

D.C. Brown, E. Burbano, J. Minski & I.F. Cruz (Jan./Mar. 2002) "An Evaluation of the Effects of Web Page Color and Layout Adaptations", IEEE Multimedia, pp. 86-89.

J.E. Burge & D.C. Brown (July 2002) "Discovering a Research Agenda for using Design Rationale in Software Maintenance", Poster, AID'02: International AI in Design Conference, Cambridge, UK.

J.E. Burge & D.C. Brown (July 2002) "Integrating Design Rationale with a Process Model", Proc. Workshop on Process Modelling, AID'02: International AI in Design Conference, Cambridge, UK.

Z.F. Chen & D.C. Brown (July 2002) "Explorations of a Two-Layered A-Design system: The Influence of New Agents on a Design System", Proc. Workshop on Intelligent Agents in Design, AID'02: International AI in Design Conference, Cambridge, UK.

D.C. Brown (July 2002) " Functional, Behavioral and Structural Features", Proc. KIC5: 5th IFIP WG5.2 Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD., (Eds.) J. C. Borg & P. Farrugia, Malta.

Z.F. Chen & D.C. Brown (Aug. 2002) "Explorations of a two layered A-design system", Proc. International Workshop on Agents in Design, WAID'02, MIT, Cambridge, USA

D. C. Brown (Sept. 2003) " Functional, Behavioral and Structural Features", Proc. Design Theory and Methodology Conference, ASME Design Technical Conferences, September 2-6, 2003 Chicago, Illinois. {11 citations}

G.E. Rosario, E.A. Rundensteiner, D.C. Brown and M.O. Ward. (Oct. 2003) "Mapping Nominal Values to Numbers for Effective Visualization", Proc. IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 2003), Seattle, Washington, USA.

J.E. Burge & D.C. Brown (May 2003) "Rationale Support for Maintenance of Large Scale Systems", International Workshop on Evolution of Large-scale Industrial Software Applications (ELISA), September 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

D.C. Brown & M. Claypool (August 2003) "CURIOUS BROWSERS: Automated Gathering of Implicit Interest Indicators by an Instrumented Browser", extended abstract accepted for presentation at the Workshop on Implicit Measures of User Interests and Preferences, ACM SIGIR 2003 Conference, Toronto, CA.

I. Boyle, K. Rong & D.C. Brown (October 2003) "Case-Based Reasoning in Fixture Design". Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5263B: Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing.

D.C. Brown (Nov. 2003) "Assumptions and Design Rationale", extended abstract, NSF Workshop on Science of Design: Software-Intensive Systems, invited participant.

G.E. Rosario, E.A. Rundensteiner, D.C. Brown, M.O. Ward and S. Huang (Nov. 2003) "Mapping Nominal Values to Numbers for Effective Visualization", InfoVis Journal, invited paper. {27 citations}

C. Shakeri & D. C. Brown (Spring 2004) "Constructing Design Methodologies Using Multi-Agent Systems", AI in Engineering, Design, Analysis and Manufacturing journal, special issue on Intelligent Agents in Design, J. S. Gero & F.M.T. Brazier (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, Vol.18, No.2, pp. 115-134.

J.E. Burge & D.C. Brown (July 2004) "An Integrated Approach for Software Design Checking using Design Rationale", DCC'04: 1st Int. Conf. on Design Computing and Cognition, MIT. {16 citations}

I.M. Boyle, K. Rong & D.C. Brown (Sept. 2004) "CAFixD: A case-based reasoning fixture design method: Framework and indexing mechanisms", Proc. ASME Design Technical Conferences, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 2004. {Best Paper Award, CIE Conference}

D.C. Brown (2005) "Artificial Intelligence for Design Process Improvement", In: Design Process Improvement - A Review of Current Practice, J. P. Clarkson & C. Eckert (Eds.), Springer, ISBN: 1-85233-701-X

D.C. Brown & L. Blessing (2005) " The Relationship between Function and Affordance", ASME Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Long Beach, CA. {11 citations}

D.C. Brown (Jan 2006) "Between the Disciplines: Adventures in AI in Design", Invited paper, Proc. Indo-US Workshop on Design Engineering, Bangalore, India

I. M. Boyle, K. Rong, & D. C. Brown (March 2006) "CAFixD: A case-based reasoning fixture design method. Framework and Indexing Mechanisms", Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, ASME, Vol. 6, pp. 40-48. {6 citations}

J. E. Burge & D. C. Brown (April 2006) "Rationale-Based Support for Software Maintenance", Invited chapter, Rationale Management in Software Engineering, (Eds.) A.H. Dutoit, R. McCall, I. Mistrik, B. Paech, Springer, pp. 273-296. {14 citations}

G.P. Milette & D.C. Brown (July 2006) "Analogical Matching using Device-Centric and Environment-Centric Representations of Function", Proc. DCC'06: Design Computing and Cognition conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

D.C. Brown (July 2006) "Assumptions in Design and Design Rationale", Design Rationale Workshop, DCC'06, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

A.S. Varde, E.A Rundensteiner, C. Ruiz, D.C. Brown, M. Maniruzzaman and R.D. Sisson (July 2006) "Integrating Clustering and Classification for Estimating Process Variables in Materials Science", AAAI Member Abstracts and Posters Track, 21st Nat. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06), July 16 - 20, 2006, Boston, MA.

A.S. Varde, S. Bique and D.C. Brown (Oct. 2006) "Distance Metric Learning by Greedy, Exhaustive and Hybrid Approaches", submitted to SIAM SDM-07 Data Mining conference.

A.S. Varde, E.A. Rundensteiner, C. Ruiz, D.C. Brown, M. Maniruzzaman and R.D. Sisson (Nov. 2006) "Designing Semantics-Preserving Cluster Representatives for Scientific Input Conditions", Proc. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Arlington, Virginia.

J.E. Burge & D.C. Brown (2007) "Supporting Requirements Traceability with Rationale", GTC'07: International Symposium on Grand Challenges in Traceability, March 2007, Slade, KY.

U. Persad, P. Langdon, D.C. Brown & P.J. Clarkson (2007) "Cognitive Scales and Mental Models for Inclusive Design", HCII2007: 12th Int. Conf. on Human Computer Interaction. Thematic Area: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction.

A.S. Varde, S. Bique & D.C. Brown (2007) "Component Selection in Learning Distance Functions", submitted to Thirteenth ACM SIGKDD Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-07), San Jose, CA, August 12-15, 2007.

K. Menard, D.C. Brown, M. Claypool & S. Fox (May 2007) "Evaluating User Feedback Systems", submitted to the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. (Not accepted)

J.E. Burge & D.C. Brown (Sept 2007) Managing Software Quality by Managing Decisions, Submitted to IEEE Software, special issue on Software Quality Requirements, J.D. Blaine & J. Cleland-Huang (Eds.).

D.C. Brown (January 2008) Some Reactions to Presentations at the 2007 Computational Creativity Workshop, Technical Report, CS Dept., WPI.

D.C. Brown (January 2008) Between the Disciplines: Adventures in AI in Design, Proceedings of the Indo-US Workshop on Design Engineering, A. Chakrabarti & E. Subrahmanian (Eds.), Allied Publishers Ltd., pp. 114-119.

D.C. Brown (January 2008) Summary of Breakout Session: Design Styling and Ergonomics, Proceedings of the Indo-US Workshop on Design Engineering, A. Chakrabarti & E. Subrahmanian (Eds.), Allied Publishers Ltd., pp. 261-263.

A.S. Varde, S. Ma, M. Maniruzzaman, D.C. Brown, E.A. Rundensteiner, & R.D. Sisson (February 2008) Comparing Mathematical and Heuristic Approaches for Scientific Data Analysis, AI EDAM journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp 53-69.

J.E. Burge & D.C. Brown (March 2008) Software Engineering Using RATionale, Journal of Systems and Software, 81(3), pp. 395-413

D.C. Brown (March 2008) "Guiding Computational Design Creativity Research", Proc. NSF International Workshop on Studying Design Creativity'08, University of Provence, France.

J.E. Burge & D.C. Brown (May 2008) SEURAT: Integrated Rationale Management, 30th International Conference on Software Engineering, Formal Research Demonstrations track, Leipzig, Germany.

A. Mukherji, E.A. Rundensteiner, D.C. Brown & V. Raghavan (May 2008) SNIF TOOL: Sniffing for Patterns in Continuous Streams, Proc. ACM 17th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2008).

D.C. Brown & E. Forbes-Summers (June 2008) Design Creativity: Refining the Model, Proc. 2nd Design Creativity Workshop, DCC'08, Atlanta, GA.

A. Varde, S. Bique, E. Rundensteiner, D.C. Brown, J. Liang, R. Sisson, E. Sheybani and B. Sayre (August 2008) Component Selection to Optimize Distance Function Learning in Complex Scientific Data Sets, In "Database and Expert Systems Applications", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5181/2008, Springer, pp. 269-282.

D.C. Brown (2008) Guiding Computational Design Creativity Research, to appear in Studying Design Creativity, JS Gero (ed.), Springer.

D.C. Brown (2009) Artistic Creativity and its Evaluation, in Computational Creativity: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Proceedings of Dagstuhl Seminar 09291.

D.C. Brown (2009) Problem Solving Methods: Past, Present and Future, Guest Editorial, Special Issue on Problem Solving Methods, AI EDAM journal, Vol. 23, No. 4, Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 327-329.

D.C. Brown & C. Shakeri (2009) Discovery of Design Methodologies for the Integration of Multi-disciplinary Design Problems. In: L.T.M. Blessing & A. Chakrabarti (Eds.), DRM, a Design Research Methodology, Springer Verlag, London.

G. Gadepalli, E.A. Rundensteiner, D.C. Brown & K. Claypool (April 2010) Tag and Resource-aware Collaborative Filtering Algorithms for Resource Recommendation. Proc. ITMG 2010: 7th International Conference on Information Technology.

D.C. Brown (July 2010) The Curse of Creativity. Proc. DCC10: the 4th International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition, Stuttgart, Germany.

D.C. Brown (July 2010) Device-centric and Environment-centric Function. Proc. DCC10 Workshop on Understanding Functions, Stuttgart, Germany.

D.C. Brown (July 2010) Routine Creativity? Proc. DCC10 Workshop on Design Creativity, Stuttgart, Germany.

I. Boyle, Y. Rong & D.C. Brown (Feb 2011) A review and analysis of current computer-aided fixture design approaches. International Journal of Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 27(1), pp. 1-12.

D.C. Brown (Aug 2011) If MEml is the Answer, What is the Question?, NSF Sponsored Workshop on ME Design Knowledge Modeling, ASME IDETC, Washington.

C.L. Dym & D.C. Brown (2012) Engineering Design: Representation and Reasoning (2nd Edn.), Cambridge University Press.

H. Cohen, F. Nake, D.C. Brown, J. McCormack, P. Brown & P. Galanter (2012) "On Evaluation: a Conversation", Chapter 1, Computers and Creativity, Jon McCormack & Mark d'Inverno (Eds.), Springer.

D.C.Brown (2012) "Creativity, Surprise & Design: An Introduction and Investigation", The 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC2012), Glasgow, UK.

D.C.Brown (2013) "Developing computational design creativity systems", International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 1(1), pp. 43-55.

D.C.Brown & Editorial Board of IJDCI (2013) "Perspectives on design creativity and innovation research", International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 1(1), pp. 1-42.

D.C.Brown (2013) "AI: the fierce king of knowledge", Proc. ASME Design Technical Conferences.

D.C.Brown (2014) "Computational Design Creativity Evaluation", 6th Int. Conf. on Design Computing and Cognition: DCC'14, 23-25 June, University College London, London, UK

D.C. Brown (2014) "Let's not get too Creative!", Workshop on Computable Design Creativity Metrics, DCC'14.

D.C. Brown (2014) "Problems with the Calculation of Novelty Metrics", Workshop on Design Creativity, DCC'14.

D.C. Brown & J.R.A. Maier (2015) "Affordances in Design", Special Issue on Affordances, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Vol.29, No.03, pp. 231-234.

D.C. Brown (2015) "Novelty Assumptions Examined", submitted to 7th Int. Conf. on Design Computing and Cognition: DCC'16.

D.C. Brown (2016) "Observations and Conjectures about Novelty Calculations", Design Creativity Workshop 2016, 7th Int. Conf. on Design Computing and Cognition: DCC'16.

D.C. Brown (2016) "If MEml is the Answer, What is the Question?", Workshop on Design descriptions: conceptual and computational challenges, 7th Int. Conf. on Design Computing and Cognition: DCC'16.

D.C. Brown (2016) "Comparing Computational Design Creativity Systems", 4th International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC), Atlanta.

D.C. Brown, Y. Jin & W.P. Birmingham (2016) "In memory of Clive L. Dym", Editorial, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Vol.30, No.4, pp.333-334.

D.C. Brown (2018) "Initial thoughts on Comparing Computational Design Creativity Systems", International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, Paper, [DOI: 10.1080/21650349.2018.1465478]

K. Fu, M. Fuge & D.C. Brown (2018) "Design Creativity", Editorial, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Vol.32, No.4

D.C. Brown (2021) "A Brief Review of Approaches to Design Novelty Assessment", WPI Computer Science Technical Report TR-21-03. Paper.

J. Scherick, C. Touchette, M. Gulbin, P. Coady, P. Radhakrishnan, D.C. Brown (2021) "GaPA: An Application to Assist Novice Users With 3D Printing", IMECE2021-71068, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.

M. Forte, M. Eisenhour, R.M. Malkowski, P. Radhakrishnan & D.C. Brown (2022) "Detecting Defects in Low-Cost 3D Printing", IMECE2022-96111, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.

A. Galvan, P. Radhakrishnan & D.C. Brown (2022) "A tool to analyze and synthesize planar mechanisms", ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.

Unrefereed Publications etcetera:

D.C.Brown (1974) A Survey and Analysis of Question Answering Systems, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Kent, Canterbury, England.

D.C.Brown, H.W.Buttelmann, B.Chandrasekaran, S.C.Kwasny & N.K.Sondheimer (Feb. 1977) Natural Language Graphics, In: Natural Language Interfaces, (Ed.) D.Waltz, SIGART Newsletter, No.61.

D.C.Brown & S.C.Kwasny (June 1977) A Natural Language Graphics System, Tech. Rpt. OSU-CISRC-TR-77-8, Computer & Information Science Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
{Extended version of paper published in Computers and Graphics journal.}

D.C.Brown (Aug. 1984) Expert Systems for Design Problem-Solving using Design Refinement with Plan Selection and Redesign, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Computer & Information Science, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

D.C.Brown & A.Kassatly (Aug. 1986) FDEC: A Prototype Expert System for Estimating the External Characteristics of Forging Dies. MAAT Report to Wyman Gordon Company.
{Based on MAAT sponsored work from Feb-Aug 1986}

D.Herman & D.C.Brown (1987) DSPL: a Language for Routine Design and Planning. In: The Applied Artificial Intelligence Reporter,
Part I, Vol.4, No.4, April; Part II, Vol.4, No.5, May;
Part III, Vol.4, No.6, June; Part IV, Vol.4, No.7, July.

E.Muntasser, U.Trivedi & D.C.Brown (1987) A Manual for DSPL. AIRG, CS Dept., WPI.

D.C.Brown (March 1990) Report, on January 1990 visit to India, to United Nations Development Program and the Indian Institute of Technology.

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