Mark Claypool and Gangadharan Kannan
Quality-of-service (QoS) requirements for the timely delivery of real-time multimedia raise new challenges for today's networks. A key component of QoS is QoS routing which allows the selection of network routes with sufficient resources for requested QoS parameters. Most proposed techniques to compute QoS routes require dynamic update of link-state information. Given the growing size of internets, it is becoming increasingly difficult to gather up-to-date state information. We propose a new technique to compute QoS routes in a fast and efficient manner without any need for dynamic updates. Our method, known as Selective Flooding, checks the state of the links on a set of pre-computed routes from the source to the destination in parallel and based on this information computes the best route and then reserves resources. We implemented Selective Flooding on a QoS routing simulator and evaluated the performance of Selective Flooding compared to source routing for a variety of network parameters. We find Selective Flooding consistently outperforms source routing in terms of call-blocking rate and outperforms source routing in terms of network overhead for some network conditions. The contributions of this work include the design of a new QoS routing algorithm, Selective Flooding, extensive evaluation of Selective Flooding under a variety of network conditions and a working simulator for future research.
See also:
Gangadharan Kannan. Selective Flooding for Improved Quality-of-Service Routing, M.S. Thesis, Computer Science Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Spring 2000. (Advisor Mark Claypool)