11.7 An Efficient Register Allocator and Code Generator
The following algorithm writes on each tree node of an expression
tree the number of registers needed to compute the node. It assumes a
computer model that keeps one of its operand in a register. Left-most leaves
are assigned a "1", and right-most leaves are assigned a "0" to allocate
registers (it could be reversed). Parent nodes are assigned the maximum
of the values of both children. If the values are equal one more register
is needed to store the result, so the parent node is assigned the (equal)
value plus one.
Label (Expression Node)
1. Node is a left-most leaf: Label = 1
2. Node is a right-most leaf: Label = 0
3. (Otherwise)
3(a)Label (Left(Node)
3(b)Label (Right(Node)
3(c)Label# (Node) = Max(Left Label# , Right Label#)
or Left Label# + 1 if Left Label# = RightLabel#.
The algorithm is called with Label(root)
Using the tree labelled as above, we can write an effiecient code
generation algorithm:
GenerateCode (Node)
CASE Node is:
A leaf labeled 1 and a left leaf:
(a) R = GetReg
(b) Generate "Load Node, R"
Labeled with a number greater than available registers:
(a) Generate code for right child
(b) Store the result in a temp
(c) Generate code for the left child
(d) Apply node's operator to (a) and (c)
Has a right child that is a leaf:
(a) Evaluate the left child
(b) Apply node's operator to left child
result and leaf.
(a) GenerateCode(Node with larger label). (Use either if
labels are the same) Leave result in a register
(b) GenerateCode (Other Node)
(c )Apply node's operation to registers holding
the two results.