[WPI] [cs2223] [cs2223 text] [News] [Notes] 

cs2223, D97/98 Keywords of the C and C++ languages

These are words that are reserved in C or C++. You should not use them for function, variable, array, or struct identifiers. Most compilers will stop you if you try. Keywords specific to C++ are shown in red. A text version is also available.

and          and_eq       asm          auto         bitand       bitor
bool         break        case         catch        char         class
compl        const        const_cast   continue     default      delete
do           double       dynamic_cast else         enum         explicit
export       extern       false        float        for          friend
goto         if           inline       int          long         mutable
namespace    new          not          not_eq       operator     or
or_eq        private      protected    public       register     reinterpret_cast
return       short        signed       sizeof       static       static_cast
struct       switch       template     this         throw        true
try          typedef      typeid       typename     union        unsigned
using        virtual      void         volatile     wchar_t      while
xor          xor_eq


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Updated 14Mar98