[WPI] [cs2223] [cs2223 text] [News]
cs2223, D97/98 Notes
Information about the UNIX environment
- UNIX: a short listing of some UNIX commands
- Emacs: a summary of important commands
for the emacs text editor
- GDB: a summary of important commands for
the gdb debugger
- Make: a summary of the UNIX make
- Programming
with GNU Software, ISBN 1-56592-112-7 by M Loukides and A Oram. This
is a good summary manual on many of the GNU software components including
, make
, and Emacs
- Learning the UNIX Operating
System, ISBN 1-56592-060-0, by G Todino, J Strang and J Peek. This
is a good first book about UNIX
- Learning GNU
Emacs, ISBN 1-56592-152-6, by D Cameron and B. Rosenblatt and E Raymond.
This is a comprehensive text book designed for beginners.
- Managing Projects
with make, ISBN 0-937175-90-0, by A Oram and S Talbot. This is a small
book about how to use the
facility in UNIX.
- GNU Emacs Manual, ISBN 1-882114-06-X by RM Stallman. The official manual
for Emacs, published by the Free Software Foundation.
- GNU Make, ISBN 1-882114-79-5 by RM Stallman and R McGrath. The official
manual for make, published by the Free Software Foundation.
- Debugging with GDB, ISBN 1-882114-09-4 by RM Stallman and C Support.
The official manual for GDB, published by the Free Software Foundation.
Information about programming in C and C++
- Precedence and Associativity: a chart
of C and C++ operators
- ASCII Character Set: decimal equivalents
of ASCII characters
- Keywords: a listing of the keywords
in the C and C++ languages
- cs1005 and cs1005w
web sites. They contain many worked examples of C programs, including
pointers, structs, functions, and data structures.
- cs2005
web site. It contains worked examples of C++ programs and information
about some algorithms and data structures.
- Differences between C and C++. Some
of the differences are summarized here.
- Standard C and C++ Libraries:
This is a complete on-line reference to the libraries. Be sure to read
and observe the license restrictions.
- The
C Programming Language by BW Kernighan and DM Ritchie, ISBN 0-13-110362-8.
One of the authors was the originator of the C language and this book is
considered by many to be the most authoritative description of the language
and its use.
- The C++ Programming Language by B Stroustrup,
ISBN 0-201-88954-4. The authors was the originator of the C++ language
and this book is considered by many to be the most authoritative description
of the language and its use.
- Practical C Programming,
ISBN 1-56592-306-5, and Practical
C++ Programming, ISBN 1-56592-139-9 by S. Oualline. These books explain
important practical aspects of programming in
and C++
and are easy to understand.
- The
Standard C Library, ISBN 0-13-131509-9, and The
Standard C++ Library, ISBN 0-13-117003-1, by PJ Plauger. Thise book
contain detailed information about the operation and limitations of the
standard C library functions. They also have library function source code.
Information about algorithms
Contents ©1994-1998, Norman Wittels
Updated 07Apr98
Updated 21Mar98