CS 2135 Homework - What to turn in

HW Instructions

We will be submitting all homework assignments electronically. For each homework problem that requires programming, create a separate file called hwa_b.scm where a is the assignment number and b is the problem number. Show your work by creating a transcript file called hwa_b.txt. For example, you should create files hw1_3.scm and hw1_3.txt for the third problem on this assignment. To actually turn in your work, execute the shell script in /cs/cs2135/bin/turnin and give the project and the files you want to submit as arguments. Continuing with our example, you should type

/cs/cs2135/bin/turnin hw1 hw1_3.scm hw1_3.txt

to turn in the third problem. Or turn in more than one problem at a time, if you like. Each file you turn in should include the following information:

The comment character in scheme is ``;''. All text is ignored from the comment character until the end of line.

Making Transcripts

Some of the problems require a transcript to demonstrate that your solutions work as claimed. To begin making a transcript, type (transcript-on "filename") to the scheme interpreter; to stop it type (transcript-off). For example,

     % scheme
     1 ]=> (transcript-on "foo")
     ;No value
     1 ]=> 1
     ;Value: 1
     1 ]=> 2
     ;Value: 2
     1 ]=> (transcript-off)
     1 ]=> ^Z
     % ls
     % more foo
     ;No value
     1 ]=> 1
     ;Value: 1
     1 ]=> 2
     ;Value: 2
     1 ]=> (transcript-off)
     % rm foo

(Special thanks go to Prof. Michael Gennert for writing this webpage)