CS 2135 Turnin and Getgrade


You may turn in your files electronically from any of one the CCC machines by issuing the command:
	/cs/cs2135/bin/turnin project files ...

where project is one of hw1, hw2, hw3 ... and files ... is a list of files you wish to turn in.

For the first programming assignment, you might do something like:

	/cs/cs2135/bin/turnin hw1 hw1_1.scm hw1_1.txt

Checking your files

You may check which files you have already turned in by issuing the command:
	/cs/cs2135/bin/log project 


When your grades are available you may check them by issuing the command:
	/cs/cs2135/bin/getgrade [project]
Specifying a project for the getgrade command is optional; if you don't specify a project, you will get only a summary of your grades so far.

Turnin trouble

What to do if you have trouble getting turnin to work.

The CS Department maintains a page with additional general information on turnin and related programs.

(Special thanks go to Prof. Michael Gennert for writing this webpage)