Serious Games
IMGD 4600 - C Term 2015

Bibliography of Papers Read in Course

I. Bogost. Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogames (Chapter 2). MIT Press, 2007.

Career Innovation, Case Study: US Army, 2007. (

T. Connolly, M. Stansfield and T. Hainey. An Alternate Reality Game for Language Learning: ARGuing for Multilingual Motivation. Computers & Education 57, 2011, pp. 1389-1415.

S. Goebel, S. Hardy, V. Wendel, F. Mehm and R. Steinmetz. Serious Games for Health -- Personalized Exergames. ACM Int. Conf. on Multimedia, Firenze, Italy, 2010.

C. Heeter, D. D. Greene and B. M. Winn. Theories Meet Realities: Designing a Learning Game for Girls. In Proc. Designing for User eXperience, November 3-5, San Francisco, CA. 2005.

J. Lee, P. Ceyhan, W. Jordan-Cooley and W. Sung. Greenify: Real-World Missions for Climate Change Education. In Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Games + Learning + Society, 2012, pp. 183-189.

R. Marmura. Paper Prototyping: 5 Facts for Designing in Low-Tech, 2008. (

H. Nudell, C. Brunner and S. Pasnik. Playing 4 Keeps Evaluation Report. EDC Center for Children and Technology, December 2007. (

D. Rai and J. Beck. Math Learning Environment with Game-Like Elements: An Incremental Approach for Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning Effectiveness. In Proc. Intelligent Tutoring Systems, LNCS 7315, Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 90-100.

B. Reeves, J. Cummings and J. Scarborough. Leveraging the Engagement of Games to Change Energy Behavior. Int. Conf. on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, Denver, CO, May 2012.

C. Reeve. Simulating Failure: Why Simulations Don't Always Work. In Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Games + Learning + Society, 2011, pp. 191-200.

M. Rettig. Prototyping for tiny fingers. Commun. ACM, 37, 4 1994, pp. 21-27.

D. Thompson, T. Baranowski, R. Buday, J. Baranowski, V. Thompson, R. Jago and M. Griffith. Serious Video Games for Health: How Behavioral Science Guided the Development of a Serious Video Game. Simulation and Gaming, 41, 4, 2010, pp. 587-606.

R. Tate, J. Haritatos, and S. Cole. HopeLab's Approach to Re-Mission. International Journal of Learning and Media, 1:1, 2009, 29-35.

B. Winn. The Design, Play, and Experience Framework. In R. Ferdig (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2009, pp. 388-401.

M. Zielke et al. Serious Games for Immersive Cultural Training: Creating a Living World, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 29, No. 2, March/April 2009, pp. 49-60.

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