As a general rule, assignments are due at their posted deadlines. This is a discussion-based course, and submitted work will often form part of the next class session. That said, if you have an extenuating circumstance, talk to me. I'm generally reasonable as long as you are.
Laptops and phones should not be out or open in class, unless you are using them to look at your notes or markup on the papers we are discussing at that time. Devices interfere with discussion and can be distracting to those sitting around you.
We have a diverse course population, with students from many national, cultural, personal, and experiential backgrounds. Discussions and interactions should be respectful and professional, whether in class, online, or in critique of one another's work.
If aspects of this course are making you uncomfortable -- not intellectual discomfort about technical concepts, but personal discomfort -- please talk to Professor Fisler about it.
Your work for this course will consist of mostly written assignments. The work you submit must be your own. Copying from other sources---such as (but not limited to) published papers, blog posts, online manuscripts, your classmates' work, etc---violates the course's academic honesty policy. Policy violations will result in an NR (undergraduates) or F (graduates) for the course and a referral to the Student Life Office, in accordance with WPI's academic honesty policy.
You are welcome to discuss the readings and your work on the course with classmates as much as you like. Please do interact with others about the course material. Just write up your thoughts on your own.
Should you have accommodations that affect the assignments in the course, please discuss them with Professor Fisler at the start of the semester.
Students requiring accommodation for religious observance must make alternate arrangements with Professor Fisler at least a week before the date in question.