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Lab #3: Server Side: PHP


  1. Describe Client/Server issues & HTTP
  2. Write simple PHP scripts

Background Material

1. Text: Chapter 12 (Not in Old Book) [PDF]

2. Ludovico Muratori's PHP Slides [PDF]

3. Yaron Benita's PHP Slides [PDF]

4. Dao, Schwarzer, Vogel and Zuercher's PHP Slides [PDF]

5. PHP Tutorial

6. PHP Tutorial

7. PHP Manual

8. John Coggeshall's Tidy

9. Book and other examples and notes


1. (3 points) Create a PHP form for your audience analysis which contains at least 1 javascript pop-up window (say, if they fill out the form incorrectly in some way),

You will have results from the cgi. You might try to get responses from those who didn't respond or send the PHP form to some new people.

You will need as much feedback as possible to do next week's lab. Nag them often and early. You needn't include this feedback for this week. Perhaps just run some test cases.

2) (1 point) Write the PHP code to output a web page summary of your results (e.g., 15 people responded, etc.)
An extra 0.5 points for those of you who write a program to show the results graphically

Note You are not showing the real survey results in this lab - you'll do it for the next when you will have gotten back some data. You are showing your forms and some dummy data (if necessary) that show how your programs work.

Again, upload the URL of these forms. In the next lab you will show the results you received and write your project proposal.

3. (1 point) Continue to design the top-level pages for your project. Continue adding appropriate links. Document on your Project Description (blog) page what has changed for this week.
Don't forget the quiz!

Quiz [PDF]

Quiz Solutions [PDF]