CS585/DS503: Big Data Management
Project Teams:
For most projects, the students will be assigned into teams
to work in a project by the instructor based on several criteria.
The objective here is for you to
experience team partners with different skills, learning styles, and
skill sets,
practice different team roles from colleague to leader,
and to give everyone a chance at success by composing heterogeneous teams.
For this reason,
team partners are switched for
each project.
There will also be an opportunity to choose your own project partners,
namely, for the final course project.
The systems used are open-source; and thus available via download
to you via the internet.
We strongly encourage you to install the software
on your own labtop, when possible. However,
a virtual machine will also be available for download that
includes the needed software for the projects. The virtual machine
requires around 20GB in size.
and will consist of software such as:
-- Ubuntu OS
-- Hadoop platform
-- Apache Pig, and Hive
-- Mahout library
-- RHadoop
-- MongoDB
-- In addition to other software
such as: Java , C , Python, etc.
Project details will be released with each project.
They will involve work with infrastructures including
Hadoop MapReduce, MongoDB, Spark, Hive, and others.