7.0 Introduction

7.1 Symbol Attributes

7.2 Symbol Table Operations

7.3 External Data Structures

7.4 Internal Data Structures

7.5 Other Symbol Table Techniques

7.6 Summary

Web References


7.3.4 Hash Tables

For efficiency, hash tables are the best method. Most production-quality compilers use hashing for their symbol table structure.

Lots of hashing functions have been developed for names (See Exercise 5 ). It has been joked that the hashing table for symbol tables is irrelevant as long as it keeps the variables I, N, and X distinct!

The hashing functions consist of finding a numerical value for the identifier, perhaps some combination of the ASCII code as a number or even its bit code, and then performing some of the techniques used for hashing numbers (taking the middle values, etc.).

Example 5 creates a hash table using the formula

    H(Id) = (# of first letter + # of last letter) mod 11

where # is the ASCII value of the letter.

Notice in Example 5 that both instances of variable a have been hashed to the same position in the hash table and that both x and b have hashed to the same position.

If the hash function distributes the names uniformly, then hashing is very efficient - O(1) in the average case. The worst case, where all names has to the same number, has a time O(n). This case is unlikely, however.

More space is generally needed for a hash symbol table structure, so it is not as space-efficient as binary trees or list structures.

If new entries are added to the front of the linked structure, scoping is easily implemented in a single table. In fact, separate tables usually take up too much extra space.

Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone