7.0 IntroductionThe symbol table records information about each symbol name in a program. Historically, names were called symbols, and hence we talk about a symbol table rather than a name table. In this module, the word symbol will mean name. It is the semantic analysis phase which creates the symbol table because it is not until the semantic analysis phase that enough information is known about a name to describe it. Many compilers set up a table at lexical analysis time for the various variables in the program, and fill in information about the symbol later during semantic analysis when more information about the variable is known. A classic example comes from FORTRAN and Ada where the same syntax is used to refer to functions and arrays. In these languages, F(2) might refer to an element F2 of an array F or the value of function F computed using argument 2. For the lexical analyzer to make the distinction, some syntactic and semantic analysis would have to be added. Code generation uses the symbol table to output assembler directives of the appropriate size and type. It is important to distinguish between a symbol and an identifier since the same identifier may represent more than one name. For example, in FORTRAN, one can write:
The single identifier X represents three names:
Another example is found in block structured languages:
The picture implies that there is an outer block (or procedure) with a declaration of x and two inner blocks (or procedures) each with its own declaration of x; thus, the single identifier x again represents three different names or symbols. Symbol Tables provide the following information:
Some symbol tables also include the keywords in the same table while others use a separate table for keywords. Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone |