CS 4401 (A12): Software Security Engineering
Staff and Office Hours

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Given that office hour usage tends to be spotty in this course, we will hold office hours by request ths term. Each staffer has listed times when they are available for hours with prior notice. Contact the staffer the day before to work out a meeting location. Professor Fisler has not listed particular hours since her schedule is fairly flexible outside of class. Please do contact us if you want to meet.

Professor: Kathi Fisler
Office Hours: By appointment. For appointments, check my calendar and propose a time that is open for us both. I am not on campus on Wednesdays.
Office: Fuller 130, x5118
Email: kfisler@cs.wpi.edu

Evan Frenn (TA)
Office Hours Availability: Monday 12-3, Tuesday 11-5, Friday 12-2
Email: ejfrenn@wpi.edu

Klevis Luli (SA)
Office Hours Availability: Thursday after 2pm
Email: klevis@wpi.edu

Paul Malmsten (SA)
Office Hours Availability: Fridays
Email: pmalmsten@wpi.edu