CS3431. Database Systems I
Home Textbooks Homeworks & Projects Schedule Additional Resources


    1- See below for the expected due dates (may slightly change according to the class progress).
    2- Homeworks will be done individually
    3- Projects will be done in teams of two.

Late Submission Policy

    1- One-day late submission is accepted with 15% off the max grade. This applies only to projects.  
    2- Beyond that, no late submission is accepted.
    3- For HWs, no late submission is accepted (the instructor will post the solutions on the due date to be before the following quiz/exam.)

Link (pdf)
Post Date
Due Date (No Late Submission for HWs)
Special Instructions
Homework 1
Check Blackboard Sys. 1/20/2015
1/26/2015 (11:59am - Noon)
 Blackboard Sys.
Covers ER and Relational Models
Homework 2
Check Blackboard Sys. 2/03/2015
2/08/2015 (11:59am - Noon)    Blackboard Sys. Covers Mapping, Algebra
Homework 3
Check Blackboard Sys. 2/24/2015
3/2/2015 (11:59am - Noon)
 Blackboard Sys. Covers FDs and Normalization

The project is divided into phases, the deadline of each phase may change depending on the course progress. The overview of the project can be found here (main.pdf).
Note: The instructions for each phase will be out as we progress in the class.

                                                         To access  Oracle database following the following instructions (OracleAccess.pdf).
Project Phases
Link (pdf)
Post Date
Due Date
Special Instructions
Phase 1
Check Blackboard Sys. 1/23/2015
1/31/2015 (11:59pm - Midnight)
 Blackboard Sys. Covers ER & Relational Models
Phase 2
Check Blackboard Sys. 2/10/2015
2/19/2015 (11:59pm - Midnight)  Blackboard Sys. Covers SQL queries
Phase 3
Check Blackboard Sys. 2/20/2015
2/28/2015 (11:59pm - Midnight)  Blackboard Sys. Covers Advanced SQL & JDBC

Grading Policy

Items Percentage
Final Exam
Homework and project assignment descriptions will be available from the course web site. Students are expected to view/download the assignments. Failing to check the course web site is not an acceptable excuse for late submission, or missing exams. For projects, you must be able to submit your source code.

Discussion Board
Please use the discussion board available at blackboard.wpi.edu.

Academic Honesty Policy

Unless explicitly noted, all work is to be done on an individual basis. You are encouraged to discuss with others about ideas and material in the course, in preparing for exams, in understanding homework problems, project statements etc. However, all homework solutions, exams are to be written individually, and the solutions should be your own. Projects requiring teamwork, you are required to solve the problem with your partner/(s), and not with other teams.

Any violation of the WPI's guidelines for academic honesty will result in no credit for the course and referral to the Student Affairs Office. More information on definitions, responsibilities and procedures regarding the WPI academic honesty policy can be found here.