CS 2102 (D15): Object-Oriented Design Concepts
Staff and Office Hours

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Professor: Kathi Fisler
Office Hours: Monday 10-11, Friday 2-3, and by appointment.
For appointments, check my calendar and propose a time that is open for us both. I am not on campus on Wednesdays.
Office: Fuller 130, x5118
Email: kfisler@cs.wpi.edu

Other Staff

The rest of the course staff consists of one TA, several SAs who hold office hours and help with grading, one MASH tutor, and several lab SAs who help facilitate discussion groups in the labs each week.

Mike Calder (TA)
Ben McMorran (SA)
Long Nguyen Duc Hoang (SA)
Andrew Paon (SA)
Ben Senecal (SA)
William Temple (SA)
Jonathan Wu (SA)
Tim DeFreitas (MASH)
Christina Aiello (lab SA)
Daniel Alfred (lab SA)
Anthony Gallo (lab SA)
Hoang Ngo (lab SA)
Fangming Ning (lab SA)

Office Hours Grid
Kathi's hours are in her office (Fuller 130)
TA/SA hours will be in either FLA21 (the Zoo lab) or FLA22 (both Fuller sub-basement), depending on how crowded the Zoo lab is on a given day
Morning MASH hours will be in the Academic Resource Center; the 5pm hour will be in the Exam Proctoring Center in the first floor of Morgan Hall

10-11 KathiBen M.  Long
11-12 Tim (MASH)Ben M. Tim (MASH)Long (to 11:45)
12-1    Long  
1-2   Ben M. Mike 
2-3  AndrewBen S.  MikeKathi
3-4  William,
Ben S.,
4-5 WilliamJonathan,
Ben S.,
5-6 WilliamJonathan,
Tim (MASH)   
6-7 AndrewFangming   
7-8 Andrew    

Lab Staff: The star indicates the lab leader. If you have any issues with lab attendance not being recorded in the myWPI gradebook, contact your lab leader.

12pm HL230Ben S.*, Ben M., Andrew, Hoang, Anthony
1pm SL123Jonathan*, Ben M. Long, Hoang
2pm SL123Long*, Mike, William, Christina
3pm SL123William*, Mike, Christina, Fangming
3pm HL230Andrew*, Ben S., Jonathan, Anthony, Daniel