CS 1101: Lab 6 (The Cave Game)

Lab Motivation and Goals


For this lab, you will implement a simple game for navigating mazes. Your functions will allow a user to create a maze of interconnected caves, and also to create players that can walk around the maze looking for items. Players can carry up to two items in their pockets, and can swap an item in their pocket for the item in the cave they are currently in. Underneath the assigned problems is an example of how someone would play the game using the functions you will design for this lab.

  1. Provide a data definitions for caves. Each cave has a name, an item sitting in the cave (such a cellphone, your academic advisor, etc), and a list of doors (other caves).

  2. Define a variable maze that will hold a list of caves (it should initially be empty).

  3. Write a function create-cave that consumes a cave name and an item and returns a new cave with the given information. The new cave should have no doors. The function should also add the cave to the maze.

  4. Write a function connect-caves that consumes two caves and adds a door from each cave to the other.

  5. Write a data definition for players that have two pockets (each can hold one item) and a current location (a cave). Use a string for (the contents of) each pocket and have it be "No item" when the pocket is empty.

  6. Write a function create-player that consumes a cave and produces a player who is in the current cave and has nothing in its pockets.

    Everyone should be able to get to this point.

  7. Write the following set of functions for exploring the player's status during the game:

  8. Players may want to know what items exist in the caves (so they know what to look for). Write an function items-available that produces a list of all the items that are currently in caves (not those in players' pockets). [Hint: write a helper that walks over the maze variable.]

  9. Write functions switch-left and switch-right that consume a player and swap the item in the corresponding pocket with the item in the current cave (it is okay if either the pocket or cave has nothing, as this would correspond to filling or emptying pockets during the game).

Option 1: Basic Cave Moves

  1. Write a function move-to that consumes a player and a cave and either moves the player to the cave (if the cave the player is in has a door to the given cave) or a message "No door from cave X to cave Y", where X and Y are the names of the respective caves. Use the Scheme operator eq? if you need to compare whether two caves are equal.

Option 2: More Sophisticated Cave Moves

  1. Write a function show-next-door that consumes a player and produces the name of one accessible cave at a time. This function should cycle through the names of caves for which the player's current cave has doors (producing one name each time it is called -- see the interaction below).

    Also provide a function called go that consumes a player and moves the player to the last named cave produced by show-next-door.

    Your solution must allow different players to cycle through door options in an interleaved fashion: ie, player1 asks for a door, then player2 (who is in a different cave) asks for a door, repeating until both decide to move). You may start the cycle with any available door. You may edit your data definition for players.

Then Everyone

  1. Show the sequence of test cases that you would use to test the cave game (don't just turn in our sample below -- figure out what else you need to test and define your own caves and test sequence). Use comments to explain what each test in the sequence is testing for.

A Sample Game Session

> (define sleepcave (create-cave "home" "pillow"))
> (define eatcave (create-cave "dining" "fork"))
> (define exitcave (create-cave "exit" "jewels"))
> (connect-caves sleepcave eatcave)
> (connect-caves eatcave exitcave)
> (define player1 (create-player eatcave))
> (where player1)
> (sees-item player1)
> (left-pocket player1)
"No item"
> (switch-left player1)
> (left-pocket player1)
> (sees-item player1)
"No item"
> (move-to player1 sleepcave)
> (where player1)
> (sees-item player1)
> (switch-left player1)
> (move-to player1 exitcave)
"No door to cave home from cave exit"
> (move-to player1 eatcave)
> (move-to player1 exitcave)
> (where player1)
> (left-pocket player1)

And one showing the sophisticated move functions:

> (define player2 (create-player eatcave))
> (show-next-door player2)
> (show-next-door player2)
> (show-next-door player2)
> (go player2)
> (where player2)

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