International Workshop on
Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video

Sponsored by ACM SIGMultimedia

Newport, Rhode Island

May 22–23, 2006


Newport Marina



Time Topic Title


2006 Chairs:Mark Claypool and Brian Levine
2007 Chairs:Klara Nahrstedt and Rejaie

9:00–10:40 Network Gaming

Session Chair: Tristan Henderson

The Fun of using TCP for an MMORPG

Carsten Griwodz (University of Oslo, NO); Pål Halvorsen (University of Oslo, NO)

Assigning Game Server Roles in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

Oliver Wellnitz (Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, DE); Lars Wolf (TU Braunschweig, IBR, DE)

A Platform for Dynamic Microcell Redeployment in Massively Multiplayer Online Games

Bruno Van Den Bossche (Ghent University, BE); Tom Verdickt (Ghent University, BE); Bart De Vleeschauwer (Ghent University, BE); Stein De Smet (Ghent University, BE); Stijn De Mulder (Ghent University, BE); Filip De Turck (Ghent University, BE); Bart Dhoedt (Ghent University, BE); Piet Demeester (Ghent University, BE)

Evaluating dead reckoning variations with a multi-player game simulator

Wladimir Palant (University of Oslo, NO); Carsten Griwodz (University of Oslo, NO); Pål Halvorsen (University of Oslo, NO)




Keynote: Kevin Jeffay, UNC Chapel Hill

Kevin Jeffay is S. Shepard Jones Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington. His research and teaching interests are in real-time systems, operating systems, networking, and multimedia systems. Jointly with Hong-Jiang Zhang, he edited a collection of reading in multimedia computing and networking published by Morgan Kaufman. Jeffay has been a long time participant at NOSSDAV workshops including helping to organize the inaugural workshop in 1990.




Media Adaptation

Session Chair:
Kevin Almeroth

FGS-MR: MPEG4 Fine Grained Scalable Multi-Resolution Video Encoding for Adaptive Video Streaming

Siddhartha Chattopadhyay (University of Georgia, US); Kang Li (University of Georgia, US); Suchendra Bhandarkar (University of Georgia, US)

AMTrac: Adaptive Meta-caching for Transcoding

Dongyu Liu (George Mason University, US); Songqing Chen (George Mason University, US); Bo Shen (HP Labs, US)

On Combining Temporal Scaling and Quality Scaling for Streaming MPEG

Huahui Wu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US); Mark Claypool (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US); Robert Kinicki (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US)

On the Effects of Multi-hop Buffering and Adaptation for Video-Based Sensor Networking Applications

Jie Huang (Portland State University, US); Wu-chi Feng (Portland State University, US); Wu-chang Feng (Portland State University, US); David Romano (Intel, US)



3:30–4:50 Streaming

NSYNC: Network Synchronization for peer-to-peer streaming overlay construction

Hongbo Jiang (Case Western Reserve University, US); Shudong Jin (Case Western Reserve University, US)

Understanding Mesh-based Peer-to-Peer Streaming

Nazanin Magharei (University of Oregon, US); Reza Rejaie (University of Oregon, US)

Intra-Stream Encoding for Multiple Depth Streams

Sang-Uok Kum (Univ. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, US); Ketan Mayer-Patel (University of North Carolina, US)


NOSSDAV Social Event
White Horse Tavern
26 Marlborough St



3D and Tele-immersion

Session Chair: Wu-chi Feng

Design and Evaluation of 3D Video System Based on H.264 View Coding

Kalva Hari (Florida Atlantic University, US); Liam Mayron (Florida Atlantic University, US); Lakis Cristodoulou (Florida Atlantic University, US); Oge Marques (Florida Atlantic University, US); Borko Furht (Florida Atlantic Univ., US)

Optimistic Load Balancing in a Distributed Virtual Environment

Roman Chertov (Purdue University, US); Sonia Fahmy (Purdue University, US)

A Multi-stream Adaptation Framework for Bandwidth Management in 3D Tele-immersion

Zhenyu Yang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US); Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US); Bin Yu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US); Ruzena Bajcsy (University of California, US)

A hybrid thin-client protocol for Multimedia Streaming and Interactive gaming applications

Davy De Winter (Hogeschool Gent - Ghent University, BE); Pieter Simoens (University of Ghent, BE); Lien Deboosere (Ghent University, BE); Filip De Turck (Ghent University, BE); Joris Moreau (Hogeschool Gent - Industriële wetenschappen, BE); Bart Dhoedt (Ghent University, BE); Piet Demeester (Ghent University, BE)




Industry Panel:

  • Ichiro Lambe (Dejobaan Games) Founder and Principal Designer. Ichiro first entered the industry in 1988, and co-founded Worlds Apart Productions in 1996. In 1999, he founded Dejobaan Games, which has developed 11 titles for handheld and desktop platforms. The company is currently developing Galaxy Rage, an open-ended first-person shooter for Windows.
  • Darius Kazemi (Turbine Games) Data Analyst. Darius is is responsible for collecting and analyzing data from Dungeons & Dragons Online, as well as the upcoming Lord of the Rings Online. He has been involved with the Serious Games movement since 2003, and in March of this year he spoke at the Game Developers Conference on the topic of games for cognitive exercise ("brain training" games).
  • Paolo Piselli (Mad Doc Software) Professional Game Artist and Software Engineer. Paolo entered the industry in 2000 as a Character Builder for Zoesis Studios, using behavioral scripting and 3D modelling to bring artificially intelligent characters to life. In 2003, Paolo worked as a game artist and animator at Mad Doc Software, creating a race of Lizard-men for "Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna". Paolo completed his Master's in Computer Science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
  • Aaron St. John (Golden Goose Games) Founder and Principal Designer. At Golden Goose Games, Aaron leads a small group of programmers, artists, web, multimedia and game designers, gathered together in Western Massachusetts to develop and innovate within the casual PC game market. Aaron received his Masters in Computer Science at UMass Amherst and is a NOSSDAV 2005 author.



1:30–3:10 Network Support

Session Chair:
Robert Kinicki

Redundancy-Controllable Adaptive Retransmission Timeout Estimation for Packet Video

Ali Begen (Georgia Institute of Technology, US); Yucel Altunbasak (Georgia Institute of Technology, US)

Optimizing Overlay Topology by Reducing Cut Vertices

Xiaomei Liu (Michigan State University, US); Li Xiao (Michigan State University, US); Andrew Kreling (Michigan State University, US); Yunhao Liu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technolgy, CN)

GONE: an Infrastructure Overlay for Resilient, DoS-Limiting Networking

Xiaoming Fu (University of Goettingen, DE); Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge, UK)

Revisiting multimedia streaming in mobile ad-hoc networks

Peng Xue (University of Notre Dame, US); Surendar Chandra (University of Notre Dame, US)



3:25–5:05 Security and OS

Off-line Economies for Digital Media

Darko Kirovski (Microsoft Research, US); Kamal Jain (Microsoft Research, US)

Video Authentication for H.264/AVC using Digital Signature Standard and Secure Hash Algorithm

Nandakishore Ramaswamy (Qualcomm Inc, US); K. R. Rao (University of Texas at Arlington, US)

Harmonic Interleaving: File System Support for Scalable Streaming of Layer Encoded Object

Sooyong Kang (Hanyang University, KR); Youjip Won (Hanyang University, KR); Seunghyun Roh (Hanyang University, KR)

AC/DC: an Algorithm for Cheating Detection by Cheating

Stefano Ferretti (University of Bologna, IT); Marco Roccetti (University of Bologna, IT)


Workshop Wrap Up