CS 3013 A-Term 1998
More detailed information can be found here, including: time and place, purpose, prerequisites, books, grading, cheating, and computer systems and labs.
Here is the list of topics covered in this course. They will be mapped to chapters from the text as the course progresses.
The reading material for the various chapters are as follows:
You might check out the assignment timeline to help you plan for doing homeworks, projects and exams.
Slides from the in-class lectures will be available shortly after they are presented, depending upon how things go.
Here is what we have so far:
There will be 4 short homework assignments. Homeworks are to be turned in individually. Discussion of problems among students is encouraged, but when it comes to ultimately solving the problem, your answers must be your own.
Homework and due-dates will be placed here as they are defined. Here is what we have so far:
The projects (I often call them labs) are the programming assignments you will have for the course. I encourage you to work in groups of two for the projects. I'd prefer to limit the groups to only 2, but if you really want a larger group, come talk to me. Working in groups will give you valuable ``real-world'' experience as well as provide you with a ``built-in'' source for help. Do remember, however, that all exams will be taken alone. Make sure each group member understands the programs completely!
The projects and due-dates will be placed here as they are defined. Here is what we have so far:
With the exception of project 0, you will need to turn in your assignments on-line. Check here for information on how to turn in your assignments.
In this section are any code samples discusses in class, practice exams or any other demonstration-type class materials.
Final exam stuff:
Mid-term exam stuff:
Here is the simple "Bite Me" client-server example that shows the use of the socket wrappers used in Project 3:
-- the "Bite Me" server.
-- the "Bite Me" client.
-- the "Bite Me" header file.
-- the socket wrapper code.
-- the socket wrapper header file.
-- the Makefile to build the client and server.
Here is the simple "Up Yours" client-server example that shows the
use of threads as in
Here are the demos that have separate add and subtract threads that access a global variable:
-- add and subtract to an unprotected variable.
-- add and subtract to an variable protected by a mutex.
-- the Makefile to build the add programs.
Here are some samples showing the use of software signals:
-- simple use of a Unix signal handler.
-- another simple use of a Unix signal handler.
-- still another simple use of a Unix signal handler.
-- using user-defined signals
-- using signal to catch alarms.
-- using signal for parent-child communication.
Sample code from the Simple Operating System:
-- the global system header file.
-- the dispatcher code.
-- the timer interrupt function.
-- the modifications to the SOS header to make it parallel.
-- the modificatiosn to the dispatcher to make it parallel.
Process stuff:
Semaphore and shared mem stuff:
-- critical section without using semaphores example.
-- critical section using semaphores example.
-- nifty utility to help clean up resources.