Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing

Instructions for Contributing Authors:
(Revised June 1, 2011)

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[Aims and scope || Originality and copyright || Manuscript submission and review]
[Manuscript preparation and style || Manuscript elements and order]
[Copyediting and page proofs || Offprints]
[Author's Checklist - Final Submission]

Aims and scope

AIEDAM: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing is a journal intended to reach two audiences: engineers and designers who see AI technologies as powerful means for solving difficult engineering problems; and researchers in AI and computer science who are interested in applications of AI and in the theoretical issues that arise from such applications.

The journal publishes significant, original articles about AI theory and applications based on the most up to date research in all branches and phases of engineering. Suitable topics include analysis and evaluation, selection, configuration and design, manufacturing and assembly, and concurrent engineering. Specific subareas include cognitive modeling; creativity; learning; qualitative reasoning; spatial reasoning; graphics and modeling; constraints and preferences; style and brands; human-computer interaction; multimodal interaction; computational linguistics; design and process planning; scheduling; simulation; optimization; distributed teams and systems; multiagent applications; design rationale and histories; functional, behavioral, and structural reasoning; knowledge management; and ontologies.

In addition to the rapid publication and dissemination of unsolicited research papers, AIEDAM is committed to producing special issues on important, timely topics.

In addition to research papers, AIEDAM is also interested in comprehensive Review papers, as well as in Practicum papers that describe original, major applications of state-of-the-art AI techniques to important engineering problems, with enough details and explanation to help others build similar systems.

The journal is indexed in Compendex Plus, SciSearch, Research Alert, and CompuMath Citation Index.

Note that for papers concerning powerful, general-purpose techniques such as Neural Nets or Evolutionary computing, we specifically ask our reviewers to explain whether:

  1. this is a new version of that technique;
  2. this is a significant new result obtained using that technique; or
  3. a new approach to using that technique for Engineering.
In all cases a detailed evaluation is required, comparing the work to existing methods and research. We will not publish papers that describe "just another application" that have no generality.

A key purpose of AIEDAM is to provide the community with a forum for publishing high quality papers that can be cited as the basis for future work. Authors should connect their paper to the research in this community by referencing relevant work, such as papers published in AIEDAM.

[instructions menu]

Originality and copyright

To be considered for publication in AIEDAM a manuscript cannot have been published previously or be under review for publication elsewhere. Papers with multiple authors are reviewed with the assumption that all authors have approved the submitted manuscript and concur about its submission to AIEDAM. A Transfer of Copyright Agreement must be executed before an article can be published. Government authors whose articles were created in the course of their employment must so certify in lieu of copyright transfer. Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from the copyright owners (authors, editors, and publisher) to reprint or adapt any previously published material included in their article. These permissions must be provided before an article can be published.

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Manuscript submission and review

You are strongly encouraged to submit your manuscript electronically in MS Word or PDF format. Please send it as an e-mail attachment to the Editor (, with "AI EDAM Submission" as the Subject heading. Include a description of what was sent and its format to guide the extraction of the manuscript from the e-mail. For the initial submission for review please include the figures and tables in their correct positions in the paper, even though this is not appropriate for the final submission if the paper is accepted. Upon acceptance of the manuscript, submit files on disk as well as three high-quality hard copies of the final version for publication, according to the instructions provided. Send all materials to the following address:

Prof. David C. Brown
Editor in Chief, AIEDAM
Computer Science Department
100 Institute Rd.
MA 01609-2280
Phone: +1 (508) 831-5618
Fax: +1 (508) 831-5776
E-mail: aiedam @

For Special Issues all queries and submissions should go to the Guest Editors and not to the Editor.

[instructions menu]

Manuscript preparation and style

Both the initial submission and final article should be doublespaced and have 1 in. (2.5 cm) margins throughout, including footnotes, references, tables, and figure captions. The position of tables and figures should be clearly indicated and in sequence in the text. Footnotes, tables, and figure captions, as well as figures, should be provided separately at the end of the article. Accepted articles must be in MS Word. LaTeX will only be permitted when there are numerous complex mathematical equations.

[instructions menu]

Manuscript elements and their order

Manuscripts should be organized as follows:

[Title page || Abstracts and keywords page || Introduction]
[Notations in text || Tables || Figures and captions || References || Author biographies]

Title page. This is page 1. The title should be concise, informative, and free of abbreviations, chemical formulae, technical jargon, and esoteric terms. This page should include (a) the article's full title; (b) the names and affiliations of all authors; (c) the name, mailing address, telephone number, and E-mail address of the corresponding author; (d) a short title of 40 characters or less; and (e) a list of the number of manuscript pages, tables, and figures.

Abstract and keywords page. This is page 2 and should include (a) the article's full title, (b) an abstract of no more than 300 words, and (c) up to 5 keywords or phrases that reflect the content and major thrust of the article. The abstract should give a succinct account of the objective, methods, results, and significance of the subject matter.

Introduction. This section begins on page 3 and should clearly state the objective of the research in the context of previous work bearing directly on the subject. An extensive review of the literature is usually not appropriate.

Notations in text. Customary abbreviations will be accepted and the authors are recommended to employ Systeme Internationale (SI/metric) units. Special and unusual symbols should be clearly presented and in a common font. Spell out acronyms at first use, and use only acronyms thereafter. All equipment supplies and products stated in the article should have the manufacturer name and location identified at first mention.

Tables. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, and each should be double-spaced on separate pages after the references. A short explanatory title and column headings should make the table intelligible and a footnote should define all terms without reference to the text. All tables must be cited sequentially and their approximate positions indicated in the text.

Figures and captions. The number of figures should be the minimum necessary to make the essential points of the paper. Figures should be no larger than 6 x 8 in. (approx. 200 x 250 mm) and should be included in a separate file. Figures should be composed to occupy one column (20 picas or 8.3 cm) or two columns (41.5 picas or 17 cm) after reduction. Diagrams and illustrations must have a professional appearance and be created with high-resolution lettering to permit reduction. To assure legibility, letters, numbers, and symbols on figures should all be the same size and have a minimum height of 2 mm (i.e., 6 points on the pica scale) when reduced. Figures should be separate and not incorporated into the text copy. Each figure must be cited sequentially and its approximate position clearly indicated within the text. Figures must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and be accompanied by a descriptive double-spaced caption provided at the end of the article. The captions should concisely describe the figure, identify any symbols and/or calibration bars, and define any terms or acronyms. Acceptable figure file formats are MS Word, EPS, JPEG, TIFF, PS, and PDF.
    Artwork should normally be in black and white; if authors have color figures, the publisher will provide a price quotation for the additional production costs. However, color figures can appear online free of charge. All figures must be printed separately and identified with the short title of the paper, figure number, and figure orientation (top or bottom). Three complete sets of figures should be carefully packaged in protective envelopes, one to accompany each copy of the manuscript

References. The alphabetical list of references begins a new page after the text. Each in-text citation must have a corresponding reference and vice versa. Only conference papers, theses, and published or in press articles and books should appear in this list.
    All authors' names should be included, followed by the year of publication. For journals, the full title of the journal, volume, issue number, and inclusive page numbers should be provided. For books, the full title should be given, followed by the editors, volume number (if any), page numbers, place of publication, and publisher. Citations in the text should read Brown and Goel (2010) or (Brown & Goel, 2010). Where there are more than two authors the citation should read Brown et al. (2010). When more than one paper by the same authors has appeared in the same year, they are distinguished by (Brown & Goel, 2010a, 2010b). Multiple citations in the text should be in chronological order (Dym, 1994; Birmingham, 1999; Brown, 2010).

Journal or Magazine article

Brown, D.C. (2010). AI EDAM at the cutting edge. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 24(3), 281-282.

Frey, D., Birmingham, W., & Dym, C.L. (2010). Design pedagogy: representations and processes [Guest editorial]. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 24(3), 283-284.

Knight, T., & Sass, L. (2010). Looks count: computing and constructing visually expressive mass customized housing. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 24(3), 425-445.


Dym, C.L. & Brown, D.C. (2012). Engineering Design: A Synthesis of Views: Representation and Reasoning. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Chapter in an edited book

Goodman, J., Clarke, S., Langdon, P., & Clarkson, P.J. (2007). Designers' perceptions of methods of involving and understanding users. In Universal Access in Human Computer Interaction (Stephanidis, C., Ed.), LNCS Vol. 4554, pp. 126-136. New York: Springer.

Proceedings with publisher identified

Strickfaden, M., & Heylighen, A. (2007). Exploring the cultural capital of design educators. Proc. Int. Conf. Engineering Design, ICED’07. Paris: The Design Society.

Proceedings with no publisher identified

Shu, L., Hansen, H., Gegeckaite, A., Moon, J., & Chan, C. (2006). Case study in biomimetic design: handling and assembly of microparts. Proc. ASME 2006 Int. Design Engineering Technical Conf. & Computers and Information in Engineering Conf., Paper No. DETC2006/DTM-99398, Philadelphia, PA, September 10-13.

Author biographies. Brief author biographies must be provided at the end of each paper; they should not exceed 100 words for each author.

[manuscript elements menu]

[instructions menu]

Copyediting and page proofs

The publisher reserves the right to copyedit manuscripts to conform to the style of AIEDAM. The corresponding author will receive page proofs for final proofreading. No rewriting of the final accepted manuscript is permitted at the proof stage, and authors may be charged for substantial changes.

[instructions menu]


Access to a free high-quality PDF of the article will be provided to the corresponding author only. A form will accompany the page proofs allowing orders for complete copies of the issue and for the purchase of offprints. The offprint requirements of all coauthors should be included on this form. Orders received after issue printing will be subject to a 50% reprint surcharge.

[instructions menu]

Author's Checklist - Final Submission

To assure rapid processing and publication of your manuscript, please send a cover letter that includes the checklist given below and your mailing/contact information.

The cover letter must provide details of copyright permission obtained for any figures that require it, or assurances that they have already applied for.

The final submission of your accepted manuscript should be sent via Express Mail to the Editor, or to the Guest Editor if it is for a Special Issue.

It must contain all of the material in the following checklist:

  • A Cover Letter as described above.
  • A signed Transfer of Copyright Agreement form.
  • An annotated list of responses to the reviews.
  • Two (2) printed copies of the final manuscript plus all the other material (e.g., figures, tables, biographies, keywords, etc.).
  • Two identical disks (a CD, not a ZIP disk), each containing files of all the material that you have provided.
  • Normally, only two files should be submitted on each disk: a text file and a figure file.
  • Note that the allowable text format is Word. LaTeX should only be used if there are numerous mathematical equations.
  • The text file contains all of the text for the title page, abstract, key words, the paper, bios, figure captions, and tables. They should not be broken into individual files. The figures must not be included in the text file.
    • An abstract ( <300 words; avoid abbreviations).
    • A list of up to 5 keywords or phrases that reflect the content and major thrust of the article.
    • The double-spaced text for the final manuscript.
    • Author biographies ( <100 words per author).
    • Each table used in the paper.
    • The text for the captions/legends of each figure.
    • A numbered list of Tables and of Figures.
  • The figure file contains all the figures, in order.
    • If you submit your figures in black & white for the journal and in color for online, please make separate files for each version. i.e., two files of figures.
    • Acceptable formats are MS Word, JPEG, TIFF, PS, and PDF.
  • The reference and citation conventions, as outlined in every issue of the journal in the Instructions for Authors, and above, must be observed.
[instructions menu]

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Copyright © 2011 Cambridge University Press
Mon Jul 18 18:50:23 EDT 2011