The integration of logic and deduction into databases and knowledge bases has created the field of deductive databases. Deductive databases can be used for building intelligent information systems. Logic programming provides a powerful declarative language for accessing and maintaining knowledge in databases. In addition, techniques from automated deduction and deductive databases are useful for achieving efficient retrieval and reasoning in large knowledge bases.
Recent results in logic programming, constraint logic programming, program transformation and optimization, and non-monotonic reasoning are useful for extending the expressive power and the computational efficiency of deductive database systems. With the goal of creating opportunities for active discussions on new research directions and the exchange of latest results in the above areas, we are organizing a one day workshop, with presentations of half an hour. This will be the sixth in a series of DDLP workshops that have been held in conjunction with ICLP conferences since 1993 (1994, 1995, 1996, 1997).
Suggested topics for submissions include, but are not limited to:
Extended submission deadline: May 11, 1998 Notification of acceptance: May 25, 1998 Camera ready version: June 7, 1998
Nicole Bidoit (Univ. de Bordeaux 1, France) Dmitri Boulanger (Keldesh Institute, Moscow, Russia) François Bry (Univ. Munich, Germany) Piero Fraternali (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) Ulrich Geske (GMD-First Berlin, Germany) Michael Gelfond (Univ. of Texas, El Paso, USA) Fosca Giannotti (CNUCE-CNR Pisa, Italy) Jarek Gryz (York Univ., Toronto, Canada) Alexandre Lefebvre (Next Century Media, France) Vladimir Lifschitz (Univ. of Texas, Austin, USA) Jorge Lobo (Univ. Illinois, Chicago, USA) Jack Minker (Univ. Maryland, USA) Carolina Ruiz (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA) Chiaki Sakama (Wakayama Univ., Japan) Dietmar Seipel (Univ. Würzburg, Germany) Adnan Yahya (Birzeit Univ., Palestine)
Piero Fraternali:
Politecnico di Milano
Piazzale Gerbetto 6, 22100 Como, Italy
Email: fraterna@elet.polimi.itUlrich Geske:
Rudower Chaussee 5, D - 12489 Berlin, Germany
Email: geske@first.gmd.deCarolina Ruiz:
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Department of Computer Science
Worcester, MA, 01609. USA
Email: ruiz@cs.wpi.eduDietmar Seipel:
University of Würzburg
Department of Computer Science
Am Hubland, D - 97074 Würzburg, Germany
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