Latest Information
Accepted Papers
Invited Speakers
Henning Christiansen (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Integrity Constraints & Constraint Logic ProgrammingSlim Abdennadher (Univ. Munich, Germany)
Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems using Constraint Handling Rules
Call for Papers for DDLP'99, OSC'99, INAP'99LaTeX Formats for the Final Version of the Papers to appear in the Proceedings of INAP'99: inap.cls, inap.sty, inap10.clo. All the three files are needed.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: July 11, 1999 Notification of acceptance: July 25, 1999 Camera ready version: August 10, 1999 Workshop: September 3-5, 1999 WWW-Sites
Berlin - GMD-FIRST Berlin, Germany
Würzburg - University of Würzburg, Germany
Worcester - Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA (this site)