The Library Committee serves as a liaison between WPI's Gordon Library and the CS department. This committee is responsible for coordinating the acquisition of computer science books and subscriptions to computer science related journals and book series. The Library Committee is responsible for keeping Gordon Library's CS collection current in the different areas of CS research and teaching within the allocated budget.
Here is a list of books and standing orders for CS which we received this year. I cannot convert the price field in this query to dollars, so if you imagine a " ." 2 spaces from the right on the price field, you will have the cost. ($106.76). The titles in all capital letters have been received but are not cataloged yet.Lora BrueckGordon Library
TITLE LINE_PRICE DISPLAY_CALL_NO Advances in computers. 10676 QA76 A3 Advances in cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2000 : 6th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Kyoto, Japan, December 3-7, 2000 : proceedings / Tatsuaki Okamoto, (ed.). 9100 QA76.9 A25 A871 6th 2000 Advances in cryptology : proceedings of CRYPTO ... 8099 QA76.9 A25 C79 Advances in cryptology : proceedings of EUROCRYPT ... a workshop on the theory and application of cryptographic techniques. 7031 QA76.9 A25 E95 Advances in database technology--EDBT 2000 : 7th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Konstanz, Germany, March 27-31, 2000 : proceedings / Carlo Zaniolo ... [et al.] (eds.). 7565 QA76.9 D3 I55844 7th 2000 Advances in information systems : first international conference, ADVIS 2000, Izmir, Turkey, October 25-27, 2000 : proceedings / Tatyana Yakhno (ed.). 6497 T58.5 I566 2000 Algorithmic learning theory : 11th international conference, ALT 2000 Sydney, Australia, December 11-13, 2000, proceedings / Hiroki Arimura, Sanjay Jain, Arun Sharma (eds.). 4984 Q334 I5771 11th 2000 Artificial intelligence : methodology, systems, and applications : 9th international conference, AIMSA 2000, Varna, Bulgaria, September 20-23, 2000 : proceedings / Stefano A. Cerri, Danail Dochev (eds.). 5518 Q334 I554 2000 Artificial intelligence and expert systems for engineers / C.S. Krishnamoorthy, S. Rajeev. 9495 QA76.76 E95 K75 1996 Automated theorem proving : theory and practice / Monty Newborn. 5495 QA76.9 A96 N49 2001 Basics of software engineering experimentation / by Natalia Juristo, Ana M. Moreno. 13000 QA76.758 J87 2001 Bayesian networks and decision graphs / Finn V. Jensen. 6495 QA279.5 J45 2001 Bioinformatics : the machine learning approach / Pierre Baldi, S2ren Brunak. 4995 QH506 B35 2001 Cake-cutting algorithms : be fair if you can / Jack Robertson, William Webb. 3800 T57.6 R63 1998 Causation, prediction, and search. 5500 QA276 S65 2000 Code and other laws of cyberspace / Lawrence Lessig. 1595 ZA3225 L47 1999 Component-based software engineering : putting the pieces together / [edited by] George T. Heineman, William T. Councill. 5495 QA76.758 C58 2001 Computer animation : algorithms and techniques / Rick Parent. 5995 TR897.7 P37 2002 Conceptual coordination : how the mind orders experience in time / William J. Clancey. 8995 BF311 C5395 1999 Conflicting agents : conflict management in multi-agent systems / edited by Catherine Tessier, Laurent Chaudron, Heinz-Jhurgen Mhuller. 12500 QA76.76 I58 C66 2001 Constraint-based scheduling : applying constraint programming to scheduling problems / Philippe Baptiste, Claude Le Pape, Wim Nuijten. 9800 TS157.5 B36 2001 Creative evolutionary systems / Peter J. Bentley, David W. Corne. 6995 QA76.618 B46 2002 Data mining / editor, N.F.F. Ebecken. 22800 QA76.9 D343 I58 1998 Data mining II / editors, N. Ebecken & C.A. Brebbia. 29300 QA76.9 D343 I58 2000 Data mining for scientific and engineering applications / edited by Robert L. Grossman ... [et al.]. 6000 QA76.9 D343 D383 2001 Data warehousing and knowledge discovery : Second International Conference, DaWaK 2000, London, UK, September 4-6, 2000 : proceedings / Yahiko Kambayashi, Mukesh Mohania, A Min Tjoa (eds.). 6141 QA76.9 D37 D396 2nd 2000 Database management systems / Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke. 4834 QA76.9 D3 R237 2000 Designing Web sites that work : usability for the Web / Tom Brink, Darren Gergle, Scott D. Wood. 4995 TK5105.888 B763 2002 Digital image processing algorithms and applications / I. Pitas. 8995 TA1637 P58 2000 Discovery science : third international conference, DS 2000, Kyoto, Japan, December 4-6, 2000, proceedings / Setsuo Arikawa, Shinichi Morishita (eds.). 4984 Q174 D57 2000 Discrete algorithmic mathematics / Stephen B. Maurer, Anthony Ralston. 5900 QA39.2 M394 1998 Discrete-event simulation : modeling, programming, and analysis / George S. Fishman. 6995 T57.62 F58 2001 Distributed constraint satisfaction : foundations of cooperation in multi-agent systems / Makoto Yokoo. 3800 QA76.76 I58 Y65 2001 Drawbridge up : mathematics--a cultural anathema / Hans Magnus Enzensberger ; translated by Tom Artin ; [illustrated by Karl Heinrich Hofmann]. 500 QA10.7 E59 1999 Electronic commerce and web technologies : first international conference, EC-Web 2000, London, UK, September 4-6, 2000 : proceedings / Kurt Bauknecht, Sanjay Kumar Madria, Ghunther Pernul (eds.). 9434 HF5548.32 E35 2000 Elements of statistical learning : data mining, inference, and prediction / Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman. 7495 Q325.75 F75 2001 End of time : the next revolution in physics / Julian Barbour. 1695 QC173.59 S65 B374 2001 Essentials of programming languages / Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand, Christopher T. Haynes. 5500 QA76.7 F73 2001 Expert systems : the technology of knowledge management and decision making for the 21st century / edited by Cornelius T. Leondes. 150000 QA76.76 E95 L464 2002 Face detection and gesture recognition for human-computer interaction / by Ming-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja. 11200 QA76.9 H85 Y36 2001 Fast software encryption : 7th international workshop, FSE 2000, New York, NY, USA, April 10-12, 2000 : proceedings / Bruce Schneier (ed.). 4450 QA76.9 A25 C36 7th 2000 Finding out about : a cognitive perspective on search engine technology and the WWW / Richard K. Belew. 4995 TK5105.884 B45 2000 Foundations of cryptography : basic tools / Oded Goldreich. 7495 QA268 G5745 2001 Foundations of genetic algorithms 2 / edited by L. Darrell Whitley. 7900 QA402.5 F69 2nd 1992 Foundations of rational agency / edited by Michael Wooldridge and Anand Rao. 13800 QA76.76 I58 F68 1999 Frontiers of expert systems : reasoning with limited knowledge / by Chilukuri Krishna Mohan. 12500 QA76.76 E95 M64 2000 Fundamental problems of algorithmic algebra / Chee Keng Yap. 9500 QA155.7 E4 Y36 2000 Fundamentals of wearable computers and augumented reality / edited by Woodrow Barfield, Thomas Caudell. 8500 QA76.592 F86 2001 Further inventions of Daedalus / David E.H. Jones. 1595 Q167 J66 1999 GUI bloopers : don'ts and do's for software developers and Web designers / Jeff Johnson. 4495 QA76.9 U83 J63 2000 Genetic algorithms, proceedings of the fifth international conference /edited by Stephanie Forrest, program chair 4995 Genetic programming : European conference, EuroGP 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 15-16, 2000 : proceedings / Riccardo Poli ... [et al.]. 5518 QA76.623 E94 2000 Graph separators, with applications / Arnold L. Rosenberg and Lenwood S. Heath. 7950 QA166 R585 2001 How to design programs : an introduction to programming and computing / Matthias Felleisen ... [et al.]. 6500 QA76.6 H697 2001 Inductive logic programming : 10th International Conference, ILP 2000, London, UK, July 2000 : proceedings / James Cussens, Alan Frisch (eds). 4628 QA76.63 I52 10th 2000 Intelligent multimedia multi-agent systems : a human-centered approach / Rajiv Khosla, Ishwar K. Sethi, Ernesto Damiani. 13500 QA76.575 K52 2000 Intelligent problem solving : methodologies and approaches : 13th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 19-22, 2000 : proceedings 9434 Q334 I558 13th 2000 Intelligent systems for engineers and scientists / Adrian A. Hopgood. 8995 QA76.76 E95 H675 2001 Interaction design : beyond human-computer interaction / [Jennifer] Preece, [Yvonne] Rogers, [Helen] Sharp. 5563 QA76.9 H85 P72 2002 Introduction to artificial life / Christoph Adami. 6995 Q335 A3 1998 Introduction to distributed algorithms / Gerard Tel. 4795 QA76.9 D5 T44 2000 Introduction to interactive programming on the Internet : using HTML & JavaScript / Craig D. Knuckles. 5965 QA76.625 K58 2001 Knowledge discovery and data mining : current issues and new applications : 4th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2000, Kyoto, Japan, April 18-20, 2000 : proceedings / Takao Terano, Huan Liu, Arbee L.P. Chen (eds.). 6497 QA76.9 D3 P17 4th 2000 Knowledge discovery and measures of interest / by Robert J. Hilderman, Howard J. Hamilton. 12500 QA76.9 D343 H56 2001 Knowledge in action : logical foundations for specifying and implementing dynamical systems / Raymond Reiter. 4995 Q387 R48 2001 Knowledge management : classic and contemporary works / edited by Daryl Morey, Mark Maybury, Bhavani Thuraisingham. 4500 HD30.2 K63686 2000 LATIN 2000 : theoretical informatics : 4th Latin American symposium, Punta del Este, Uruguay, April 10-14, 2000 : proceedings / Gastbon H. Gonnet, Daniel Panario, Alfredo Viola (eds.). 6497 QA75.5 L348 4th 2000 Large-scale parallel data mining / Mohammed J. Zaki, Ching-Tien Ho (eds.). 3471 QA76.9 D343 L37 2000 Learning classifier systems : from foundations to applications / Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson (eds.). 4005 Q325.5 L43 2000 Logic-based artificial intelligence / edited by Jack Minker. 13500 QA76.9 L63 L62 2000 Logical dilemmas : the life and work of Kurt Ghodel / John W. Dawson, Jr. 4995 QA29 G58 D39 1997 Managing and mining multimedia databases / Bhavani Thuraisingham. 6995 QA76.9 D3 T458 2001 Managing engineering knowledge : MOKA: methodology for knowledge based engineering applications / edited by, Melody Stokes on behalf of the MOKA Consortium. 12700 TA345 M384 2001 Mathematical logic for computer science / Mordechai Ben-Ari. 3900 QA9 B3955 2001 Medical data analysis : First International Symposium, ISMDA 2000, Frankfurt, Germany, September 29-30, 2000 : proceedings / Rhudiger W. Brause, Ernst Hanisch, (eds.). 4984 R853 S7 M43 2000 Mining the World Wide Web : an information search approach / George Chang ... [et al.]. 11500 QA76.9 D343 M56 2001 Mobile robotics : a practical introduction / Ulrich Nehmzow. 4995 TJ211.415 N44 2000 Multiple classifier systems : first international workshop, MCS 2000, Cagliari, Italy, June 21-23, 2000 : proceedings / Josef Kittler, Fabio Roli (eds.). 6141 Q325.5 M84 2000 Non-functional requirements in software engineering / by Lawrence Chung ... [et al.]. 15250 QA76.758 N65 2000 On numbers and games / J.H. Conway. 3900 QA241 C69 2001 Ontologies : a silver bullet for knowledge management and electronic commerce / Dieter Fensel. 2995 QA76.9 D3 F46 2001 Parallel processing and parallel algorithms : theory and computation / Seyed H. Roosta. 6995 QA76.58 R66 2000 Pattern-oriented software architecture : a system of patterns / Frank Buschmann ... [et al.]. 6499 QA76.76 D47 P376 1996 Principles of data mining / David Hand, Heikki Mannila, Padhraic Smyth. 5000 QA76.9 D343 H38 2001 Principles of data mining and knowledge discovery : 4 th European Conference, PKDD 2000, Lyon, France, September 13-16, 2000 : proceedings / Djamel A. Zighed, Jan Komorowski, Jan gZytkow (eds.). 9078 QA76.9 D343 P553 4th 2000 Principles of program analysis / F. Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson, Chris Hankin. 4600 QA76.6 N537 1999 Probability and statistics with reliability, queuing, and computer science applications / Kishor Shridharbhai Trivedi. 8995 QA273.19 E4 T74 2002 Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms : University of California, San Diego, July 13-16, 1991 / editors/program co-chairpersons, Richard K. Belew, Lashon B. Booker. 4995 QA76.618 I58 4th 1991 Public key cryptography : 4th International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptosystems, PKC 2001, Cheju Island, Korea, February 13-15, 2001 : proceedings /c Kwangjo Kim (ed.). 5251 QA76.9 A25 I567 2001 Qualitative methods for reasoning under uncertainty / Simon Parsons. 5500 Q339.25 P37 2001 Readings in multimedia computing and networking / [edited by] Kevin Jeffay and HongJiang Zhang. 9000 QA76.575 R32 2002 Real-world applications of evolutionary computing : EvoWorkshops 2000 : EvoIASP, EvoSCONDI, EvoTel, EvoSTIM, EvoRob, and EvoFlight, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 17, 2000 : proceedings / Stefano Cagnoni et al. (eds.) 6141 QA76.618 E899 2000 Relational data mining / Saiso Dizeroski, Nada Lavraic (eds.). 5495 QA76.9 D3 R452 2001 RoboCup 2000 : Robot Soccer World Cup IV / Peter Stone, Tucker Balch, Gerhard Kraetzschmar (eds.). 6141 TJ210.3 R6153 2000 RoboCup-99 : Robo Soccer World Cup III / Manuela Veloso, Enrico Pagello, Hiroaki Kitano (eds.). 7900 TJ210.3 R6153 1999 Smart machines in education : the coming revolution in educational technology / edited by Kenneth D. Forbus and Paul J. Feltovich. 3795 LB1028.73 S53 2001 Software architecture : pespectives on an emerging discipline / Mary Shaw, David Garlan ; [foreword by Barry Boehm]. 3100 QA76.754 S48 1996 Software engineering / edited by Merlin Dorfman and Richard H. Thayer ; foreword by Barry W. Boehm ; original contributions by A. Frank Ackerman ... [et al.]. 13000 QA76.758 S6454 1997 Software engineering with reusable components / J. Sametinger. 5395 QA76.758 S26 1997 Special functions / George E. Andrews, Richard Askey, Ranjan Roy. 3495 QA351 A74 1999 Statistical methods in bioinformatics : an introduction / Warren J. Ewens, Gregory R. Grant. 7995 R858 E986 2001 Statistics : the exploration and analysis of data / Jay Devore, Roxy Peck. 8795 QA276 D48 2001 Thinking in Java / Bruce Eckel. 4499 QA76.73 J38 E25 2000 Thinking with diagrams / edited by Alan F. Blackwell. 6400 BF442 T45 2001 Time granularities in databases, data mining, and temporal reasoning / Claudio Bettini, Sushil Jajodia, Sean Wang. 3800 QA76.9 D3 B487 2000 Topics in cryptology, CT-RSA 2001 : the Cryptographers' Track at RSA Conference 2001, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2001 : proceedings / David Naccache (ed.). 5696 QA76.9 A25 R753 2001 Understanding agent systems / Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck. 3995 QA76.76 I58 D56 2001 Usability engineering : scenario-based development of human-computer interaction / Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll. 4995 QA76.9 H85 R67 2002 Usability engineering lifecycle : a practitioner's handbook for user interface design / Deborah J. Mayhew. 5295 QA76.9 U83 M395 1999 User interface design for programmers / Joel Spolsky. 2995 QA76.9 U83 S65 2001 Virtual music : computer synthesis of musical style / David Cope. 4500 MT56 C69 2001 Web usage analysis and user profiling : International WEBKDD '99 Workshop, San Diego, CA, USA, August 15, 1999 : revised papers / Brij Masand, Myra Spiliopoulou (eds.). 3026 ZA4235 I68 1999