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Strategies for Use

  1. Load a data file from Xmdv/data
  2. Examine file from each view
  3. Change size/position of brush directly in Scatterplot or Parallel Coordinates view
  4. Test data-driven brush formation by holding Shift key and mouse button 1 while dragging the cursor over some points - release mouse button to form brush
  5. Open Brush Control panel
  6. Test global resize commands (+- 10%, half, whole)
  7. Open Glyph and Dimensional Stacking brush tools and test their operation
  8. Use Color Requester to change some of default color settings
  9. Examine sample data files to understand structure
  10. Try importing your own N-D data into XmdvTool
  11. Try creating and modifying a New brush set for Highlight
  12. Test other brush modes (Mask, Values, Average)
  13. Create a Brush Expression using 2 brushes and logical connectors

Matthew Ward
Fri Jul 18 13:17:40 EDT 1997