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Strategies for Use

  1. Load a program from /usr/lpp/dx/samples/programs. You can read a description of the program by clicking on Comment button of the Browser.
  2. Run Execute on Change.
  3. If demo supports Sequencer, run it and try options (e.g. repeat, reverse).
  4. Open all Control Panels - check what effect each has.
  5. Through the Options menu, set the View mode to Rotate and change views.
  6. Double click on any module and manually change parameters (e.g. Isosurface value).
  7. Open a demo which includes the Colormap editor and try changing map.
  8. Add an Interactor to a fixed parameter.
  9. Examine sample data files to understand structure.
  10. Try importing your own 2-D or 3-D data into an existing demo.
  11. Write a simple network to read in, AutoColor, and Display your data.
  12. Incrementally extend your knowledge by including modules in each class.

Matthew Ward
Fri Jul 18 13:17:40 EDT 1997