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Structure of Data

Basic data storage concept is a Field.

Info stored in Array Objects, which have:

double, float, int, uint, short, ushort, byte, ubyte, string
real or complex
0 = scalars, 1 = vectors, 2 = 2-D matrices, etc.
list of dimensions for structure - no shape for 0-rank, vectors have shape = 1 (specified by a single number), 2-rank structures need 2 numbers

Typical components are data, positions, connections, and color (some are optional).

Data has type (e.g. float, int), rank (0 = scalar), and size (number of items).

Positions can be regular or skewed grid (give deltas in each direction), warped grid (you specify all coords, connections regular) or irregular (you specify all coords and connections).

Connections can be linear, triangular, rectangular, tetrahedral, or cuboid.

Color must be associated with each object for renderer to work. It can be position or connection dependent.

Matthew Ward
Fri Jul 18 13:17:40 EDT 1997