
Fundamentos de Compiladores: como traducir al lenguaje de computadora Compania Editorial Continental, 1996 (Spanish Translation of Fundamentals of Compilers)
Design of Compilers: Techniques of Computer Language Translation , published by CRC Press, 1993.
Assembly Language and Computer Organization for the 86-family, published by HarperCollins, 1993.
Fundamentals of Compilers: An Introduction to Computer Language Translation , published by CRC Press, 1992.
(with Martin E. Kaliski) Assembly Language Programming for the VAX-11, 2nd Edition , published by Little, Brown and Company, 1987.
Assembly Language and Systems Programming for the IBM-PC , published by Little, Brown and Company, 1986.
(with Martin E. Kaliski) Assembly Language Programming for the VAX-11, published by Little, Brown and Company, 1982.
Refereed Publications
- A Snapshot of Distance
Learning in Hong Kong presented at and in the Proceedings of
ELearn 06.
- Analyzing Cultural
Influences on ELearning Transactional
Best Paper Award; presented at and in proceedings of ELearn05,
Vancouver, Canada, October, 2005.
- Putting Tools into Courses Not
Courses into Tools, presented
and in Proceedings of SITE2005, Phoenix, AZ, March 2005.
- Learning can be a Long
Shot: Distance Learning
Characteristics of
Two Cultures, presented at and in in Proceedings of Elearn04,
Washington DC, November 2004.
- The Distance Teacher: The
Distance Learners, in proceedings of SITE2001, Orlando, FL, April 2000.
- Web-based Teaching Tools: Addressing the Paradigm Shift, presented at Plenary Session of ComCon 7 in Athens, Greece, June 1999.
- Real Instructors Don't Go to
Chat Rooms, in proceedings of WebNet 99, Honolulu, November 1999.
- Experiences in Distance Education: the Authoring Dilemma in proceedings of EdMedia '99, Seattle,
Washington, June 1999
Experiences in Virtual Teaching
(in proceedings of WebNet '97 in Toronto, Canada)
Assessment of Tools for Virtual Teaching
(in proceedings of
Enable '97 in Finland)
Retargetable Course Generation: A Methodology for Reusability in Distance Education, (in Proceedings of: Workshop on Architectures for
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ITS '96, Montreal, Canada, June, 1996)
- The Use of Attribute Grammars in Automatic Document Processing,,
in proceedings of Electronic Document Processing and Information Retrievel,
Las Vegas, NV, 1992.
- (with J. McConnell, M. O'Connor, J. Wisnewski) Implementing
Semantics of Object-Oriented Languages, Proceedings of the 1991
ACM Computer Science Conference, San Antonio, TX, 1991
- (with G. Coray, C. Vanoirbeek) The Use of Inheritance in Document
Preparation, WOODMAN '89, Rennes, France, 1989.
Articles etc.
- From Nepal to Iceland and Back: Distance Learning
Characteristics of Two Cultures, in
- a) The Exchange: New England Faculty Development Newsletter,
October, 2004 (http://www.nefdc.org/exchange.htm)
- b) Everest Information and Communication Technology Journal
October, 2004 (http://www.eictj.org/.
- Learning Can a Long Shot: A Comparison of Distance
in Nepal, Iceland and America, Food for Thought Luncheon, Spring
Issues in Authoring Adaptive Hypertext on the Web
(in Proceedings of the Adaptive Hypertext Workshop,
Hypertext '98, Pittsburgh)
Easing into C++: Experiences with RoBOTL,
(in SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol. 28, Num. 4, December 1996.)
- (with Walter Ching)
RoBOTL : A Robot-based Object-Oriented Tutorial Language (Proceedings of the 27th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE96). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 1996. 433-433.)
Document Formatting Using Attribute Grammars (June 1990).
- WPI-CS-TR-90-1
(with Jeffrey J. McConnell, Mary Ann O'Connor & Joseph Wisnewski.)
Implementing Semantics Of Object-Oriented
Languages Using Attribute Grammars, May 1990.
- WPI-CS-TR-90-2
Document Formatting Using Attribute Grammars, June 1990.
In the Past
My PhD thesis was in theoretical computer science; I had one journal article,
in Pattern Recognition, numerous conference articles, panel sessions,
and invited talks.