Summary and Conclusions
The following comments summarize the basic technologies used in this project for client side
data validation.
- HTML alone can provide very simple single field validation for static forms. The validation
is build into the HTML on the Server side.
- JavaScript can extend HTML's basic functionality by providing a means to validate existing
HTML form components that are placed on the page. Some inter-field checking can also be
accomplished but there is no control to dynamically alter the display.
- Java Applets provide a way to do extensive single and inter-field validation at the expense
of additional development. The Applets do not integrate well into existing HTML components so
you are usually going to use one or the other.
- ActiveX provides another way to do extensive single and inter-field validation. This integrates
fairly easily when using existing controls but is not universally supported.
- There is no one solution to all problems. Web Developers should learn all techniques and use
the best one (or combinations) based on the project requirements.
Additional comments about the project include:
- Java 1.1.3 is needed for real control in implementing inter-dependent fields. You must
be very careful with existing Java 1.0.2 implementations in most Browsers today.
- ActiveX is the best choice to develop client side interfaces that resemble existing
Windows and Motif based GUIs. However, the single vendor solution is a problem for many
- It takes much longer to develop this stuff then it looks!!
- Debug capabilities seem primitive compared to C/C++ development. (This is partly a
learning curve issue as I did not have time to fully learn the JDK and ActiveX environments.)