Project Specification

This project specification explains the purpose, contents, schedule and production concerns for ***Your name(s) here***'s Electronic Document Project.

Product or Subject

{ Briefly explain what the project is. Who will use it? Why? What problem or questions will this help users solve? What other solutions or related information exist? }


{ What kinds of users compose your audience? How will you ascertain that this is your audience? What will you find out by interviewing them? Will you have them fill out a questionnaire of any sort? How else will you gather information, and what information will you gather?}

System Objectives

{ Explain the project's objectives. Explain if and when the project will need revisions. }

Type of System

{What type of system is this? (The system is likely Web-based. consisting of WWW pages and JavaScript and/or Perl code)}


{ What tasks do users need to accomplish that your system will help them with?

Be specific! This is the place to include the detailed tasks }


{ What are the system tasks corresponding to the user tasks listed above?

Who will be assigned the responsibility for what tasks?

Show a diagram of how the system will function }


{ Where will this project be used and how will it get there? }

Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone

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