


Module 6

Evaluation and Usability Testing


  1. Explain the key concepts and terms used in evaluation
  2. Describe the practical and ethical issues involved in evaluation

  3. Perform an evaluation of a classmates' project
  4. Discuss the methods used in usability testing
  5. Create and administer a usability test


  1. Analytical Evaluation Methods
  2. Heuristic Evaluation
  3. Empirical Evaluation Methods
  4. Usability Testing


0. My slides Intro to evaluation
1. Text Chapter 12
2. Text Chapter 13
3. Text Chapter 14
4. From Clayton Lewis and John Rieman: Evaluating the prototype without users
5. From Clayton Lewis and John Rieman: Evaluating the prototype with users
6. Usability Tests with Children
7. Schneiderman's + Others Principles
8. Neilsen's Heuristics
9. Tognazzini's Principles


1. (INDIVIDUAL) (1 point) Using Nielsen and Molich's 10 Heuristics , evaluate the project prototype of another group. EMail me and the group your eval as soon as you have performed it (Don't wait for the homework submission)

2. (1 point) (to be done within groups) Combine the feedback you received from question 1 and list the changes you made or decided not to make to your project based on them. This is Prototype 1. For the feedback you are not implementing, explain why. On your Project Description page, make 2 links (or otherwise make available): one to Prototype 0 and one to Prototype 1, so we can see the differences. Be prepared to explain the difference in class (putting the prototypes on a disk will be best)

Continue adding functionality to your prototype.

3. (3 points) (to be done with your project partners) Using the 7 steps

  • Create a usability test.