IMGD2905 Mid-Term Exam Topic Outline
Here is an outline of the topics that might be on the mid-term exam:
- Introduction
- Motivation for data analysis for game development
- Data analysis pipeline
- Fundamentals of statistics
- Population
- Sample
- Variable
- Observation
- Parameter
- Statistic
- Sources of data
- Published
- Experiments
- Survey
- Sampling concepts
- Presenting data
- Types of charts/presentations
- For categorical data
- Bar chart
- Pareto chart
- Pie chart
- Cross-classification table
- For numeric data
- Frequency distribution table
- Cumulative distribution
- Histogram
- Stem and leaf display
- Time series plot
- Scatter plot
- Radar plot
- Misc
- Heat map
- Movement node-link
- Guidelines for charts
- Require minimum effort from reader
- Maximize information
- Minimize ink
- Use commonly accepted practices
- Avoid ambiguity
- Describing charts
- Describe axes
- Describe data sets/trendlines
- Provide messages
- Common Mistakes
- Presenting too many alternatives on one chart
- Presenting many y-variables on one chart
- Using symbols in place of text
- Placing extraneous information on chart
- Selecting scale ranges improperly
- Using line chart instead of column chart
- Non-zero origins/broken scales
- Pictograms scaled by height (and other pictorial games)
- Inappropriate sized cells in histograms
- Descriptive statistics
- Measures of central tendency
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