Light Gun Reviews

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Light Gun Gun Light Gun
Manufacturer Performance
Cord Length 6 1/2'
Rating D


Name Synopsis
Meia The design of this gun takes me back to the days of Nintendo’s Duck hunt and early arcade shooters. It’s a lame looking gun. The start button is hidden pretty well, leaving me adjusting my gun because I kept pushing the other button trying to exit. The gun is hardly accurate, hence the suggested retail price of $19.95. That’s about it, I hated everything about this gun.

The Performance Light Gun is styled like the type of Old West six-shooter you and your kid brother "shot" at each other with when you were six years old. Don does a wonderful impression of this—request it if you haven’t seen it. The orange-red gun looks and feels cheaper than an Atlanta booty ho (er, don’t ask how I know about the "feels" part) and is about as accurate as a daily horoscope. In short, bloody awful.

Innova Do you remember playing "Cowboys and Indians" as a child?  If so, the Performance Light Gun will definitely bring back some memories, whether good or bad.  This gun is poorly made and has horrible accuracy.  There is no reason to buy this gun.  Well, unless you want to re-live those "Cowboys and Indians" days...