Minimus Maximus: Squirrel of Destiny by Cosmic Squirrel -------------------------------------- To play the game, you must first bring up the console. Press the ~ (tilda) key to open the console. In the console, you may enter the word "play", add a space, and follow it with a number from 1 to 5. (play 1, play 2, etc.) play 1 - loads original tutorial world. play 2 - loads the full tutorial world. play 3 - loads puzzle level 1. play 4 - loads tree trunk world. play 5 - loads puzzle level 2. Controls: W - Move forward A - Strafe left S - Move backward D - Strafe right Q - Shrink (Not activated until you eat from an acorn bowl) E - Grow (Not activated until you eat from an acorn bowl) Mouse buttons - Action (such as pushing boxes, eating from an acorn bowl)