WARNING: Small changes to this syllabus may be made during the semester. |
Students will be expected to read assigned textbook chapters and
research papers,
and work on implementation/research projects that cover the different
stages of the KDD process.
In addition to being a graduate CS course,
this course can be used to satisfy:
Time: Tuesdays 6:00-8:50 pm
Prof. Carolina Ruiz TEXTBOOK:
Several other books on the subject and related subjects are recommended below. Some research papers will be handed out during the semester. PREREQUISITE:GRADES:
Your final grade will reflect your own work and achievements during the course. Any type of cheating will be penalized and reported to the WPI Judicial Board in accordance with the Academic Honesty Policy. Note that this course follows the guidelines established by the WPI faculty in May 2010: "A student is expected to expend at least 56 hours of total effort for each graduate credit. This means that a student in a 3-graduate credit 14-week course is expected to expend at least 12 hours of total effort per week."Hence, please expect to have to spend at least 9 hours of work outside the classroom on this course each week. CLASS PARTICIPATIONAll students are expected to read the material assigned for each class in advance and to participate in class discussions. Also, students will take turns presenting papers and leading class discussions of assigned readings. Class participation will be taken into account when deciding students' final grades.PROJECTS, TESTS, AND SHOWCASESTestsThere will be a test given during the class when each project is due. Each test will cover the topics including in the corresponding project. This includes materials on these topics from lectures, book chapters, posted materials on the lecture notes website, and project experiments and results. Tests will be individual (not group) work, closed-book, closed-notes.ProjectsThis course is project-intensive. Several projects related to the data mining stages and/or techniques covered in the class will be assigned. Students will work on these projects in teams. Students will be required to provide both a written report and an oral (in-class) presentation describing their work on each of these projects. Datasets for those projects will be selected from online database repositories, or other sources.Several different data mining tools will be used in this course, but the two main ones will be:
More detailed descriptions of the assignments and projects will be posted to the course webpage at the appropriate times during the semester. ShowcaseEach student needs to sign up for one of the available showcase topics. The team of students assigned to a showcase topic should identify a real-world, successful application of the data mining topic. This sucessful data mining story should be about using data mining to discover novel and useful patterns that made a difference in a certain industry or field in the past 7 years. The application domain is up to the student team (e.g., finance, sports, healthcare, science, ...). The chosen sucessful data mining story should be discussed with and approved by the professor in advance. Then the team should investigate the application in depth, and prepare and deliver a 15 minute in-class presentation describing this application in as much detail as possible, focusing on its data mining aspects. Teams will present their showcases throughout the semester, according to the showcase schedule.Sample showcases from my previous offerings of this course (note that showcases this semester must be different to those from previous semesters): CLASS DISCUSSION FORUMS AND MAILING LIST
Please make sure to read myWPI CS548 forums and email sent to the class mailing list constantly throughout the semester so that you don't miss any important course information. CLASS WEB PAGESThe webpages for this class are located at http://www.cs.wpi.edu/~cs548/s16/Announcements will be posted on the web pages and/or the class mailing list, and so you are urged to check your email and the class web pages frequently. WARNING:Small changes to this syllabus may be made during the course of the semester.ADDITIONAL SUGGESTED REFERENCESKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining