Parser Project

Implementing the Tea Grammar using JavaCC

10 Points

Although you wrote a grammar for assignment #1, we'd like you to use our grammar for uniformity. If you think changes need to be made to our grammar, please post your concerns.

(a) Write JavaCC code to create a parser for this subset of Tea . Add print statements after each production to print out the name of the nonterminal on the left-hand-side of the production.

(b) Run it on the assigned programs from the lexer assignment and a program of your choice.

(c) Using the printed output, create a parse tree outline by hand. (In the next assignment, we'll create internal abstract syntax trees.) If you have a lot of nodes for your example, you need not draw every node.

The following is a subset of the solution to this project:

 options {
   IGNORE_CASE = false;
 public class tea {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException,
    if ( args.length < 1 ) {
       System.out.println("Please pass in the filename for a parameter.");
    tea parser = new tea( new FileInputStream(args[0]) );
    System.out.println("Parse completed.");
 SKIP: /* Whitespace */
 | "\n"
 | "\r"
 | " "
 TOKEN: /* Most tokens */ 
   <IF: "if">
 | <ELSE: "else">
 | <TYPE: "void">
 TOKEN: /* Generic Name & Number */
   <NUMBER: (["0"-"9"])+>
 | <NAME: ["a"-"z","A"-"Z"] (["a"-"z","A"-"Z","0"-"9","_"])*>
 void program() :
   method_declaration() <EOF>
 void method_declaration() :
   <TYPE> <NAME> <LPAREN> <RPAREN> <LBRACE> statement_block() <RBRACE>
    { System.out.println("method_declaration"); }
 void statement_block() :
   ( statement() )*
 void statement() :
   simplestatement() <SEMICOLON> 
 | compoundstatement() 
 | <LBRACE> statement_block() <RBRACE>
    { System.out.println("statement"); }
 void assignmentstatement() :
   <NAME> [<ASSIGNOP> expression()]
    { System.out.println("Assignment Statement"); }
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