Abstract Syntax Trees are a "pared down" parse tree. Each node is an element of the language. The non-leaf nodes represent operators while the leaf nodes represent operands.
Example 1 Abstract Syntax Tree for a + b where a is opnd1 and b is opnd2.
In parenthesized form, this could be written:
(plus ("a" "b") ) or (+ (a b ) ) or indenting,The production that relates to such a node is(plus ("a" "b") )
then we can add attributes and functions such as:
This might be printed out:
(IF ("<" ("a" "b") := ("m" 2") ) )
or, indenting,
(IF ( "<" ("a" "b") := ("m" 2") ) )Example 3 Abstract Syntax Tree for WHILE (a < b) m = 2 ;
This might be printed out:
(WHILE ("<" ("a" "b") ) := ("m" 2") ) )
or with indenting
(WHILE ( "<" ("a" "b") ":=" ("m" 2") ) )(Other indentings possible here)
Consider the following program:
void input_a() { a = b3; xyz = a + b + c - p / q; a = xyz * ( p + q ); p = a - xyz - p; } Its ast might be printed out:The output need not look exactly like that above, but you should print out line numbers and somehow show the ast structure.Unit [ Line(1) (void (input_a) Line (2) (:= (a, b3) ) Line (3) (:= (xyz, + (a + (b - (c / (p q)))))) Line (4) (:= (a * (xyz + (p q)))) Line (5) (:= (p - (a - (xyz p)))) Line (6) EndVoid) ]
You will use the JJTree tool to build your ast's. Below is an excerpt from the solution:
options { IGNORE_CASE = false; OPTIMIZE_TOKEN_MANAGER = true; MULTI = false; STATIC = false; } PARSER_BEGIN(tea) import java.io.*; public class tea { public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException, FileNotFoundException { if ( args.length < 1 ) { System.out.println("Please pass in the filename for a parameter."); System.exit(1); } tea parser = new tea( new FileInputStream(args[0]) ); SimpleNode root = parser.program(); root.dump(""); System.out.println("Parse completed."); } } PARSER_END(tea) SKIP: /* Whitespace */ { "\t" | "\n" | "\r" | " " } TOKEN: /* Most Things */ { <IF: "if"> | <ELSE: "else"> | <TYPE: "void"> | <VARIABLE_TYPE: "int"> | <LPAREN: "("> | <RPAREN: ")"> | <LBRACE: "{"> | <RBRACE: "}"> | <COMMA: ","> | <SEMICOLON: ";"> | <WHILE: "while"> | <DO: "do"> | <FOR: "for"> } TOKEN: /* Expression Tokens */ { <ADDOP: "+" | "-"> | <MULOP: "*" | "/" | "%"> | <ASSIGNOP: "="> | <NOT: "!"> | <AND: "&&"> | <OR: "||"> | <RELOP: "!=" | "=="> | <LTGT: ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<="> } TOKEN: /* Generic Name & Number */ { <NUMBER: (["0"-"9"])+> | <NAME: ["a"-"z","A"-"Z"] (["a"-"z","A"-"Z","0"-"9","_"])*> } SimpleNode program() : {} { method_declaration() <EOF> { return jjtThis; } } void method_declaration() : { Token tok1, tok2; } { (tok1=<TYPE>|tok1=<VARIABLE_TYPE>) tok2=<NAME> <LPAREN> <RPAREN> <LBRACE> statement_block() <RBRACE> { jjtThis.ovalue = tok1.image; jjtThis.value = tok2.image; } } void statement_block() #void : {} { ( statement() )* } void statement() #void : {} { simplestatement() <SEMICOLON> | compoundstatement() | <LBRACE> statement_block() <RBRACE> } void simplestatement() #void : {} { declarativestatement() | assignmentstatement() } void declarativestatement() : { Token tok1; } { tok1=<VARIABLE_TYPE> assignmentstatement() (<COMMA> assignmentstatement())* { jjtThis.value = tok1.image; } } void assignmentstatement() : { Token temp; } { temp=<NAME> [<ASSIGNOP> expression()] { jjtThis.value = temp.image; } }Important notes:
Before you begin, you may want to download my SimpleNode.java
The process is:
Run your program on the usual inputs. Hand in (at a minimum) : your source files, the input programs, and the output AST's. Continue to document your "package".